
Friday, November 15, 2013

A finish............

"Peony Garden" is finished.  I put the last of the hand stitching on the binding last night.  It ended up 62" x 78".  This one I will keep since it is my favorite of the 16 patch series.

Here are the 5 half yard pieces I bought on Wednesday.  They are just fill in for the stash, no purpose in mind.

On a more serious year ago today I went to Chicago to have radiation seeding placed in my eye and 5 days later had it removed.  That is (implanting) one day after my birthday and (removal) one day after my dad's birthday.  I tend to link events with dates in my memory bank so my birthday is a bittersweet event, forever linked to the discovery of the tumor in my eye and the surgery on the 15th.  There is good news: the tumor is shrinking, my eyesight has not changed, and I still feel as healthy as I did before they gave me the diagnosis.  The bad news?  The 2 people I know who had this same thing passed away 6 years after diagnosis.  The good news outweighs the bad since dying is inevitable at some point anyway.  So.....I will continue to make quilt tops, finish some of them into quilts, and photograph everything colorful that I cross paths with.


  1. Wanda with a good out look you will be productive. When your time is up it is up. Here is to many, many days of quilting ahead of you. Chris

  2. Dear Wanda - you always inspire me, with your perspective on life and your talents with fabric, colour and pattern! A kindred spirit. "Peony Garden" is heavenly! I'm glad you are keeping it for yourself.

  3. Its all about the attitude~!~ and we all know there is plenty of that in US... based on the birthdays!


  4. I love the peony garden quilt. It is very pretty. You are an inspiration to all of us and your quilting is magnificant. Just because a few people you knew died 6 years after does not mean that you will also. I take life with one breath at a time and with my breathing problems that is sometimes a chore. lol Hopefully we both will have many breaths to come.

  5. I agree with the others. Attitude makes a huge difference. I am happy to see that yours seems good. I am happy that I have reached a point in my life where I don't want to die, but I don't fear death.

    The quilt looks lovely - green isn't "my color" but this one speaks to me. Quite probably due to your exquisite use of complements and value.

  6. I hope the tumor continues to shrink and that you will have no problems with it. Attitude is everything and you have a good one. Hope things keep going ok and I hope you had a good birthday and love the fabric that you got especially the last piece on the right side.

  7. I'm working on a 16 patch quilt too. It is quite a fun pattern.

  8. Wanda, you are brave to share, it will encourage others. We can't take one minute for granted. On the stash side, do you have any tips on how to build one? I love batiks and would love to buy some bright Kaffe. Would you recommend buying yardage, or fat quarters? Stick to color families? I have lots of odds and ends from making comfort quilts.

  9. I really like Peony Garden. Best wishes for continued good health and eyesight.

  10. Your peony garden is really beautiful. Those colors are just wonderful.

    The news that the tumor continues to shrink is good news. I continue to pray that it remains on that course, Wanda. It's a shame that your birthday now makes you recall that terrifying time. Happy birthday and best wishes for a healthy and productive year ahead.

  11. Happy Birthday a day late, Wanda! I so love your blog. I've learned so much about color.
    Peony Garden is beautiful and I'm glad that it's staying at your house :D
    Happy to see yesterday's post. Love those blocks.
    Good news that your eye sight has not changed and that you feel healthy. The world is a better place with you in it.

  12. Every day reading your blog is a blessing to all of us Wanda! You share your exuberance with others and you can't get any better than that! Keep that positive outlook!
    Love the peony garden quilt - and don't you have lots of peonies in your garden? Belated happy birthday too!

  13. Happy birthday! Please remember that every single day that treatments and end results are changing for the better with all the new technology and knowledge and research. I think you're going to be delighting us with your quilting adventure for a very long time!

  14. Congratulations, Wanda!
    May you have many, many more yearly celebrations of this!
    I know personally how you feel and isn't life wonderful?
    Truly enjoy your blog - you are an inspiration to us all.

  15. So good to hear the tumor is shrinking here at the one-year mark, and that all else remains status quo. You have a good outlook and that's what counts. Your peony garden quilt is gorgeous!

  16. Happy Birthday.

    So happy to hear that your tumor is shrinking.

    I have to say that it hasn't seemed to slow you down at all. I only wish I have have as much energy as you do when I get to be your age.

  17. Your blog is so inspiring to me Wanda. Thanks for sharing the person behind the quilt because it makes your beautiful work even more meaningful. I just love Peony Garden.

  18. Glad to hear that the tumor is shrinking. Love your attitude. It inspires me to adjust my attitude.

  19. You have been on my mind these days. Couldn't send birthday wishes yesterday (traveling) but Happy Day After and lots more to come. Forget the six year thing. Your time is in His hands!

  20. Thanks for the up-date on your eye, sharing your progress means a lot. Reading the comments above shows how much every one cares for you. It must feel good.

    Peony Garden finished off perfectly. That is a glorious one to keep. And what a nice array of fabrics to add to your stash.


  21. Wanda, I am so grateful the tumor is shrinking and you continue to inspire us with your beautiful work. Thank you for sharing with us.

  22. Here is hoping you will be around a very, very long time to inspire us all and make the world a more beautiful place to be. I love reading your posts EVERY morning. You have no idea how many lives you have brightened.

  23. I have been MIA your past few posts, and look at you chugging along! Always creating colorful, beautiful quilts. I thank God with you for your blessings! You are a blessing to us!

  24. Your peony quilt is so lovely, pleased that you are going to keep. Also very happy to read that it was good news for you re the tumour shrinking.

  25. Happy Birthday dear Wanda!! Good thing you can't hear me sing!! Prayers are being said for your tumor to shrink more. I love the colors in Peony Garden and it just sparkles. I can see why it is your favorite and it is all done. Congrats

  26. The quilt is beautiful! I'm so glad you vision wasn't impacted. Keep the color coming and don't worry about what you can't control.

  27. It's no wonder that you have such a good attitude, with the exuberance of color with which you surround yourself ! Praise God !

    Thank you for sharing that with us.........and I'm CRAZY about the Peony Garden....such a simple design, executed stunningly !

  28. Happy belated birthday and super news that the tumor is shrinking! I am glad you are keeping the Peony garden quilt - that was my favorite of your series, although it is very difficult to pick a favorite as all your quilts are beauties. Happy thoughts to you at this time of remembrance. And happy Thanksgiving.

    Mary from R.I.

  29. Peony Garden is a perfect name for your lovely quilt. There's nothing magical about 6 years--most people I know could never make as many quilts as you do in a year, so no reason you can't be exceptional in lifespan too. And, I'm sure you have far too many quilts that need to be made for 6 years to be anywhere near long enough! :)

  30. There always has to be good news bad news in life doesn't there? I'm glad your tumor has shrunk and hope it continues.
    I love that quilt!

  31. May you live to 120! With many more beauties like Peony Garden along the way.

  32. I like your attitude. Life is uncertain quite a lot of the time anyway. It's only sensible to enjoy it while you can. And your enjoyment lends so much enjoyment to the rest of us as we watch you work!

  33. Peony Garden is beautiful! I"m glad you're keeping that one.
    Such wonderful news that the tumour is shrinking. I hope it continues to shrink and causes you no more problems.

  34. @ Linda Swanekamp, I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but smile when you asked for help in building a stash. By far the most quilters I know, desperately need help in restraining themselves from over-shopping! Most of us have WAY more of a stash than we can EVER use in our lifetimes, even if we live LONG past our most optimistic life expectancies. I'd say just buy what you can't live without!
    Wanda - I'm so sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but glad to hear the prognosis seems to be good right now, and to hear that your attitude is so calm and pragmatic. As you acknowledge, in the end we are largely at the mercy of arbitrary coincidences, and it is most important to try to make the best of the present. Hard and unfathomable as that seems. Wishing you all the best, and many, many colorful quilts in your future.

  35. Love your Peony Garden. Your colors are Wanderful. Sorry to read of your eye problems. Hope all works out well for you with many more productive years ahead of you.

  36. I'm so glad your tumor is shrinking, your eyesight is good,and you feel healthy. I hope you have many more years of enjoyment from family, friends, and quilting in this amazing journey we call life!!!

  37. Every day is a miracle. Take them as they come and do not look at other peoples stats!

  38. Having undergone a retinal detachment and blinding, i know the worry that happens with eye events. The shrinking of the tumor is cause de celebre! And your vision being unchanged is really a good sign. May the blessing of healing continue! I send love and wishes for a full recovery your way along with your other fabric fans. Cheryl

  39. Having undergone a retinal detachment and blinding, i know the worry that happens with eye events. The shrinking of the tumor is cause de celebre! And your vision being unchanged is really a good sign. May the blessing of healing continue! I send love and wishes for a full recovery your way along with your other fabric fans. Cheryl


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