
Thursday, November 14, 2013

22 blocks, 8 to go.........

I finished piecing 6 more blocks last night while I watched TV.  I think I'll reach my goal of having all of the blocks done by the end of the week.  Most blocks have 13-15 strips on each side but one block has 19 strips, lots of skinny ones.

Yesterday was the longarm group's meeting date at a fabric store with lunch out afterwards.  It was a cold windy day but lots of fun.  I forgot to take a photo of the 5 half yards of batik that I bought.


  1. Happy Birthday Wanda.Glad you had a good day out yesterday. Chris

  2. Happy belated Birthday to you. I did not realize that it was your birthday. Yes, weather is nippy outside. I love the squares you are working on. After Christmas I hope to start a quilt like this also. Stay warm.

  3. I didn't have a clue about your birthday. happy birthday.

  4. Happy Birthday!... we share the month and the sun sign... The quilt is looking good.

  5. Happy birthday, Wanda! Good luck meeting your goal.

  6. Sounds like a great way to spend a birthday! Love your skinny strips!

  7. gorgeous! I really like how this one is coming together.

  8. You already know how I feel about these blocks - they're AWESOME. JUST LIKE YOU!! Happy Happy!

  9. Happy Birthday Wanda, we are now the same age again. (*._,*)

    I really like the blocks you have been working on as today's post and yesterday's. The center's of these blocks really are the 'stars of each block.

    Your cactus blossom's are so pretty.


  10. Happy Birthday!
    This current quilt above is absolutely gorgeous Wanda

  11. I just gotta say-I LUV YOUR BLOG!!!
    I just absolutely luv every thing you make-like really really luv it! i get soo inspired visiting here! this latest piece is jaw droppingly gorgeous!

  12. If I were picking your "current favorite" this one would definitely make it! I just love all the skinny colorful strips - not to mention all the work and belief in scrap quilting they represent!


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