
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Same old.......

As usual I was hopping from one project to another.  I cut some more pieces for the log cabins and sewed one more round on each block.  They will have 2 more rounds when they are finished.  The die says 12" blocks but that doesn't end up with even darks and lights so I think they are going to be 11" blocks with 2 extra strips left over.  I added more strips to the quarter log cabin blocks while I watched TV last night too.
The medium rose cacti is one of my smaller plants.  I didn't mark this one last year when it bloomed and I have 2 pots like this so I didn't know which one had the rose color blooms.  The other one has a bud so I'll know soon what color it is.  I marked all of the rest of the plants.

I was moving this pot around to get better photos a couple days ago and 3 buds fell off.  They really don't like to be moved once they are ready to bloom.  This is the white blooms with a hot pink center.

The red one is almost ready......this one didn't bloom until after Thanksgiving last year.


  1. Some plants are fussy. The log cabins are coming together well.Chris

  2. Wanda, Log cabin blocks with plaid fabrics look amazing. I have never had cactus plant in the house. I love seeing yours in bloom.

  3. Finally, two of my cactus plants are in bloom- the orange an the pink. I am not a an of plaid, I don't know why, but your blocks look great.

  4. That seems like poor planning on the part of the die maker. Log Cabins are so traditional that I am amazed they didn't get it right.

    Your blocks are looking great.

  5. Once again - your cacti amaze me. So many buds and blossoms on each plant! Beautiful! (And I've made a decision re my long-dreamed about log cabin)

  6. do the cacti have really strong sunlight at this time of year? My house has really poor light as the south exposure has a full length covered porch that shades my windows. I keep thinking of getting a cacti like yours but think I don't have enough good sun exposure for it.

  7. Love how you work on so many projects simultaneously! Would love to see pictures sometime of how you organize your projects - do you keep each on in a box or something? Happy sewing, enjoy the sunshine today!

  8. Those cacti are so pretty. Your blocks look great too.

  9. Lovin' the plaids! I found a couple of canna rhizomes that look like they were trying to grow so I am going to throw them in a pot and see what happens. Yes, they would be considered an odd plant to grow indoors.

  10. I'm loving the plaid log cabin squares. Guess I need to start hunting/stashing plaids!


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