
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Third finish in September.......

I got the binding sewn onto this quilt yesterday.  I did it all by machine since it will probably be a baby's quilt.  It is 41" x 48".  I also moved the Fractured blocks to a double design wall and have decided on a final layout.  I made a small version of it because I knew I would get tired of working with just 2 colors - red and gray.  Now I can start on some multicolored blocks.

It was cooler yesterday so I got the lawn mowed.  Now I have to attack all of the weeds along the side of the house while it is still cool.  It will be back in the 80s by Wednesday.


  1. I have done this pattern once or twice and always love the variations that I see - love these colors!

  2. Love this - the colors are gorgeous. It makes a beautiful baby quilt. You are getting a lot accomplished this month. I feel like I am kind of stuck, although I did get one big quilt finished.

  3. Beautiful! The colors in this one are great!

  4. Such a beautiful and vibrant quilt!!

  5. Lucky baby . . . colorful and dynamic. Perfect!

  6. It looks wonderful and I must say that I love the layout on Fractured.

  7. I agree with you Wanda, it really will be perfect for a 'lil' baby. And a treasured keepsake.


  8. Love the baby quilt. So bright and colorful.

  9. What a great happy quilt for a baby. Bursting with color.

  10. Nice and bright for a baby. We actually got rain and cooler weather!

  11. I just LOVE that, Wanda. So simple yet so beautiful. It's amazing all that you accomplish!

  12. Love this pattern....simple but beautiful. So many patterns to make Love making tops of quilts. Using some of them for QOV. I enjoy your blog....daily reading.


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