
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Outside work......

While I was out running errands yesterday morning the 'produce fairy' came by and left me some bounty on the front porch.

That meant I had to have a BLT for lunch.  It was yummy!

I spent 4 hours outside digging out at least 2 dozen volunteer Rose of Sharon which my son will plant at his house.  I also dug out goldenrod and day lilies and other assorted things.  There is a another pile of volunteer trees I cut for pick up the first of Oct.  I'm getting some more combination storm and screen windows in a couple weeks and I needed to clear the way for a step stool during installation.  I have one more area to clean up today.  Last night I started working on the last batch of tote bags for church sewing circle on Monday.  I got 8 sets of handles made and will work on the other part today.


  1. You've been busy again in your garden! The BLT looks delicious.

  2. Those tomatoes look nice and juicy. I do miss yard work... and the upgraded windows will certainly help with the heating/cooling bills.

  3. I also have a garden fairy that comes to my house. I hate to see the season end as there is nothing better than a home grown tomato. You are always so busy, do you ever take a breath? The least you could do is send some of that energy to me. LOL Enjoy the wonderful weather.

  4. Have to make hey while the sun shines I have heard. We have been pulling up the veggie garden. I think we might see and early Fall. Do you place any kind of interfacing in your straps for strength? Chris

  5. I am going to miss yummy tomatoes so much... I love BLTs!

  6. Sounds like you had a productive day. There is nothing better than a home grown tomato.

  7. busy as always. So nice to have that produce fairy stop by!!

  8. Just want to say thank you for the inspiration - I am making a baby quilt and using bright colours in a combination I never would have dared to before! Love all your Kaffe Fassett fabric quilts. Also enjoying the combination of quilts and your garden. Very much appreciate and admire your amazing efforts.

  9. It's that time of year when we need to clean up our gardens and put the garden art in storage. I was working in my gardens yesterday too. So glad I got it done yesterday... misty rain today.

    What great looking potatoes and tomatoes. BLT looks delicious !

    How you worked in sewing all those handles for the tote bags also just makes me take a deep breath ... As usual.... All in one of YOUR days work, I know.


  10. Potatoes and tomatoes? I agree that the BLT looks yummy!


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