
Sunday, May 5, 2013

All 36...........done..........

The last three blocks are finished.  I enjoyed making these but I am glad to have them done to this point.  I still have to add the dark strip to the top left block and to the other 11 already on the design wall.  The photo below shows all 36 on the design wall.  The paper is curling so they don't hang straight.  I see one I might move to another place but generally I think I'm happy with the layout.  I will start the border on Monday while I wait for the sashing fabric.
I saw 3 Indigo Buntings yesterday.  I thought maybe a whole flock would come but no such luck.  You can spot that bright blue wherever he goes.  The redbuds are finally turning pink but it will be awhile before we have full blooming.
He landed on a peony stalk and waited for Mrs. Cardinal to finish eating.
Here is the other blue in the garden.  There were 5 blue jays altogether but every time I got near the window with my camera they flew away.  I felt lucky to get this shot.
The tulips must have liked our winter weather (or the drought last year) because I have more blooms this year than ever before.


  1. I'm sure you are glad to have this many done. The birds are really showing up here because we have freshly tilled dirt. The Robins think this is great stuff. Chris

  2. Your birds and blooms are beautiful, and so is your quilt in progress!

  3. The quilt will be lovely. I can't wait to see it all put together. The Indigo bunting is a beautiful bird. I really love his color - especially against the greens.

  4. the quilt is going to be great looking - striking.
    the drought last year did weird things to some of my bulbs - no blooms at all on a lot of them.

  5. Glad you are done - they are amazing but look exhausting to make. My peony is about to bloom and the best thing in my yard. You always have such nice plants, thanks for sharing

  6. What a striking quilt! Love the birds pics-we have cats so don't see as many birds around our yard as I would like. I love tulips-not cold enough here for them-can't wait to move to the Pacific Northwest this time next year-then I can have tulips!

  7. Quilt looks lovely - can't wait to start on mine later in the year. Wish we had the Indigo Buntings here!

  8. Beautiful fabric and blocks.

  9. We saw an indigo bunting here once years ago. It shocked me a little, I had never seen any bird so vivid a blue. A few years back we spotted a green jay in the back yard. You just never know what will turn up, do you?

  10. You take great pictures of the birds!

  11. The quilt is looking great and all the work that has been done on it is well worth it. I think you are hoarding my birds this year. LOL How wonderful to have so many buntings. Today the hummingbird feed and the oriole feed will get made. I have many Jays but they scare away the other birds and they are skidish so fly away as soon as I walk into my kitchen. My feeder is just outside the kitchen window.

  12. Those blocks are absolutely stunning!

  13. Too see your Stepping Stones grow into such a magnificent piece of art work has been pure joy.

    Just love your photo's of the buntings, tulips, and OMG your zig - zag with the grey and white dots is just stunning.

    I did go back and viewed your posts for the last couple weeks and felt like I was back "in the loop" again.

    Thank you for your continuing loyalty to all of us out here... just waiting to see what you have accomplished each day. And I do not know of any one that could match your talent and energy.



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