
Monday, May 6, 2013

A day of rest.......

I had a very restful day yesterday, grabbing my camera every time I saw the Indigo Buntings in the back yard.  There were 2 this time but never near enough to each other to get them both in a photo.
The squirrels can't get into this feeder any more.  They used to just flip the top open with their noses so I started chaining it shut.  Now the birds get the whole meal.
These spikes are the green Jack in the Pulpit plants.  I haven't seen the green/brown one yet.  Dandelions are plentiful as are violets.


  1. I have never seen birds like this before...they are an incredible shade of blue! You are lucky to have them in your yard.

  2. Those buntings are gorgeous, aren't they? I have not seen them either here in Toronto, and we are not really that far from you!

  3. Those birds are blue! I have never seen them before. Saturday night I don't know what my Barr owls were doing, but they were making a heck of a racket outside my bedroom window! Maybe they caught dinner and were excited!

  4. We were watching goldfinches hopping around amongst the dandelions yesterday (you couldn't tell which were the birds until they moved), and suddenly there appeared an indigo bunting. What a beautiful combination -- wish I had a photo of the gang :-)

  5. Those are beautiful birds.....wish we had them. We're seeing purple finch, which are actually colored with red, not purple......and beautiful Goldfinch.

    How in the world do birds get in there to the they have to squeeze through the grid?

  6. Good for you keeping those squirrels out of the feeding area! It is so exciting to me to see different species of birds. Mr. Muddling saw an American Redstart last Friday at work. I've never seen one of those.

  7. The Indigo Bunting is a very pretty bird. Pleased they can now eat all the seeds......

  8. My son lives in Donahue, IA and he sent pictures of about a dozen goldfinches at his feeder. He's so excited to see different birds than we have in the Dallas, TX area. His first time of seeing an indigo bunting was very special to him.

  9. What a stunning blue those birds are!
    I wonder how long until the squirrels figure out how to move that chain! ;-)

  10. Beautiful blue birds! We don't have any like that around here.

  11. You may have found the true 'squirrel proof' bird feeder, EVER !!!!!!

  12. What a beautiful bird. I am so glad you finally figured out how to keep the squirrels out.

  13. Love your indigo buntings. Have not seen any here but did see a few Baltimore Orioles.

    YOu quilt in the previous post is GORGEOUS. I really like this pattern especially in those prints.

  14. Hi Wanda,
    I really enjoyed seeing your indigo buntings. I was hoping that a couple would fly my way, but no such luck so far.
    I spotted my first male rose breasted grosbeak this weekend; maybe you've seen some, too?

    Love that spiky quilt you're working on.
    Vicky F

  15. I have plenty of dandelions here! No really pretty birds, either!

  16. I am jealous that the buntings went to your house instead of mine. lol I haven't been doing much bird watching lately and will have to check to see if they have arrived. The wrens are chirping away as they are building a nest in a bird house close to the kitchen window. My birdfeeder is still working fine. I had a few squirrels jump on it and leave immediately when they realize that they can't get at the food. Buying the squirrel proof feeder was the best money spent.

  17. Wow, seems you have something the buntings like.

  18. Indigo Buntings... do you know how rare it is even in Sandwich to attract them ? How I wish I could have seen them when visiting there.

    And my dear sister had dug up some IL. violets for me to bring back to the mountains. And were waiting for me when we arrived.

    How I love them also... weeds or not.



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