
Thursday, March 14, 2013

One block

It was a tiring day yesterday, more about that later.  I made one quilt block last night.  I had seen this block on a couple blogs and it was known as the Japanese X and + block.  If you do a search on that name you will find it on dozens of blogs. It is in Barbara Brackman's "Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns" on page 249 as 'Spool Block'.  It is also featured in the current "Quilty" magazine.  Since it is a 5 division block a logical size for it is 10".  I realized that the Bear Paw die would give me all of the shapes I need for this 10" block.
I'm using triangles instead of squares for the connector corners.  You just have to balance a ruler over the top of it to be sure it lines up with the 2.5" markings on the ruler.
Now the reason yesterday was tiring: my son and I left at 9 for my 10:45 appt. in Chicago with my eye surgeon.  We were there for over 2 hours and there was some good news.  The radioactive seeding treatment is working and the tumor in my eye is shrinking.  My vision is still good and the Dr. is happy with my progress.  A road trip on the tollway wears me out so I was too tired to jump up and down with joy!


  1. Great news, Wanda! I hope your treatment continues to progress well. I did a search for that block so I could see it set in multiples and it was interesting to find an on point setting of it. Looking forward to seeing your version.

  2. Wanda great news I was wondering how it was going glad to hear od the progress.

  3. So happy to hear of the good news and progress! Phew.... heavy load lightened!

  4. Yaay for a great looking block.

    BUT YIPPEE YES! WOOO HOOO for the good news on your treatment. I am so happy that it is working well.

  5. Very good news about your eye.
    Lois K

  6. I'm happy to hear that your appointment went well, too. I've been thinking of you.


  7. Hurray! Thanks for sharing your great news.

    you amaze me-- after a day like that I don't think I would have had the energy to do much sewing at all.

    interesting block, BTW

  8. Wonderful news!! Thanks for a smiling start to my day.

  9. I was hoping you would get good news. Should make it easier to deal with all the disomfort you went through.The block is neat. I need to start something new. Chris

  10. Great news! I am so relieved. The block is beautiful.

  11. I'm jumping for you -- we drove to Chicago Tuesday and home on Wednesday -- 7 hours each way. I get that weary part!!! But great news


  12. That is absolutely FABULOUS!! Soooooo happy to hear that you are doing well. I am jumping for joy for you! I love your block too!

  13. Amen, and praise God! I am thankful that God has been gracious to you.

  14. This is wonderful news, Wanda. I will jump up and down for you, dear.
    Thank you for carefully analyzing this block. Just this week I was looking at a picture of a Japanese x,+,0 quilt on the internet and trying to figure out the size of the quilt, the blocks and how they were made. Problem solved :D

  15. Super news....we will jump up and down for you.

  16. Jumping for joy in Memphis - SO happy you received such good news!!!

  17. Hear that thunder, Wanda? That's all of your blogland friends, jumping up and down with joy for you! Great news!

  18. Hi Wanda,
    Beautiful block!
    And YAY for good news.
    Vicky F

  19. very,very glad to hear the tumor is shrinking - hope it continues and that all goes well. I tire easily also when I have to travel to Little Rock for my appointments - maybe it is the stress of knowing you are going for doctor appointment and not fun.

  20. Great News! Like the block, too.

  21. Happy for your good news !!

  22. It is WONDERFUL to hear that your treatment is working!!
    Best wishes for many more years of creating beauty!

  23. Happy news! I'm pleased it is working so well! I'm mentally jumping for you! Love that block--it's on my to do list!

  24. That is awesome news.

    I like that block. I don't think I have seen it around yet.

  25. Great news about your eye. I have had those x blocks in mind for a while. Still on the back burner while I finish up some WIP's.

  26. You have made every one cheer for JOY for you today ! I too am elated to say the least about the positive progress for your eye.

    I know why you worked on the "X and +"... block it is like an aerial view of all those roads that come together on the Tollway. (*._,*) But way prettier.


  27. How ambitious! This is beautiful, just too much for my love of simple. Can't wait to see where this is going.

  28. That's not only good news, it's great news. Thanks for keeping us updated.

    Another blogger who has done that Japanese block quilt (quite beautifully, I think) is Carol at Postcards from Panama. She works only with Kaffe's fabrics and does most, if not all, of her piecing by hand. Perhaps you follow her already.

  29. Count me in with those 'jumping' for you. Makes me wonder if there will be some kind of weird seismic reading today??? Great news about the eye and although I've seen this block before it's not one I'm planning to do. Of course I'll have to see how yours comes out before I decide for sure. :)

  30. Hooray for joyous news!!! Thank you, God.

  31. So glad to hear the good news from the visit to the doctor!

  32. So pleased for you Wanda, great news
    Sheila in Florida

  33. That is fabulous news, Wanda! I'm so thrilled for you!!

    The Japanese X/spool block is one that I really enjoyed making too -- and I love it in your batiks!

  34. Praise God for a good report ! Oh, that is so wonderful to hear ! I'm jumping on the inside ! (and a little bit on the outside, just for God's glory !)

    I've been tempted to make this block myself, but may go with 15 inches if it is 5 divisions. I don't know, that's pretty big. Think I'll snoop around a bit more before I try it.

    Nice job ! I know it will be lovely in your choices of fabric.

  35. Yea - the news is great! the block is an interestng beginning - i can't wait to see the finished product!

  36. What great news about your eye! I am so happy for you! I would be worn out from such a long trip and the anxiety would be a energy drain too. Relax a bit and just smile!

  37. Brave Lady . I'm pleased you are on the mend

  38. That is awesome news! I also like that block. I think I might want to play with it too.

  39. Great news on the medical front ... congrats! Love the new block and your colour/fabric choices are exquisite as per usual!

  40. I'll jump up and down for you. That is great news.

  41. Can you see me jumping up and down for you. That is wonderful news Wanda- so glad that the treatment is yielding such positive results.
    You create such beautiful exuberant quilts- they do radiate joy.
    Warmest regards,

  42. Fantastic news, Wanda!
    I'll continue sending all the Positive Vibes and Good Karma allowed!
    Both the trip and the anticipation is bound to be wearing.
    Once you got back home I'm thinking you took a moment to sit back and relax before anything else.
    Hey, Spring must be here, the Robins are back. No doubt ready to build their nests in the darned places.

    Hugs to you Sweet Friend

  43. Wonderful news about your eye! That is an interesting block.

  44. In doing a search, seems this has been around for awhile yet I don't think I've seen it til yours. SO pretty. But just wondering what sizes you cut yours as the other gal I saw that did a tutorial was making 7.5" blocks. Thanks Wanda!


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