
Friday, March 1, 2013

February finishes.....

I didn't get as much done in February as I did in January but 2 of these are larger quilts so in square feet it might add up to the same.  They aren't to scale; the one on the right is a mini compared to the other 2.  Over all I'm happy with 3 finishes in the shortest month of the year.  I made good progress on 2 new quilts too: Bear Paw and Rattlesnake.
When Jackie at Canton Village Quiltworks had her sale last weekend, I caved and got a few pieces to round out my Kaffe, Philip and Brandon fabric stash.  I am on her email newsletter list so that is how I know about the sales.  Her regular prices can't be beat either, plus fast shipping.


  1. Your fabrics are really yummy. Bright colors to add to the stash are good. The finishes are really looking good also. Glad to see someone is getting something finished. Not me. Chris

  2. When you put it like that, you really did get a TON accomplished with it being such a short month! I love the finishes too! I am soooo looking forward to what you will do with the fabric, I just know it will be put to good use.

  3. You had a very productive month, much more so that I did. Lovely fabrics.

  4. very nice finishes. You keep so busy it puts me to shame. But then I also spend time birding and doing genealogy. That's my excuse!

  5. great finishes! so pretty. I didn't get any of the sales although I do get the newsletter and updates - I should have caved in

  6. I envy you all your time for production! Love your zig zag quilt. Good score on the fabrics, how could you have gone wrong??

  7. You accomplish more than anyone I know. Your quilts shown are great pieces of NEEDLEWORK ART. And to be working on the other detailed tops besides what you have finished keeps all of us checking in daily.

    Will have to check out Canton Village Quiltworks. As always you sure select the best.


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Don't beat yourself up! I think you did great! Heck, you could be like me installing a bathroom and getting no quilting done!

  10. I am very fond of your zig zag quilt. Of course, I love anything with a subtly mixed neutrals background,

  11. Great new additions of fabrics. I would be thrilled to have that many finishes, I'm just thrilled I got one of my own quilts quilted so far this year!

  12. Three solid finishes - congrats!

    Love the fabrics you chose -- lucious colors!

  13. New fabric can be so uplifting. Love your choices. I think you are the only one who would say I did not get as much done in February when you are showing 3 large quilts!!! :)

  14. I really love the one in the middle of the February group; it looks like sheets of rain but in pretty colors and punctuated by pretty polka-dots. Okay, so maybe not so much like rain, but it's the overall effect. I really like it, but I think I missed seeing the blogs on its construction. What would I look for on your side toolbar? :-)

  15. Great finishes! Now I'm going to tempt you.....Hancock's of Paducah has those fabrics on sale right now, too. I'm trying really hard to stay away since I just bought a bunch of them....but NOT on sale. Sigh.

  16. THose are lush fabrics. You did get a lot done in a short month!


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