
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Playing with flannel........

This is the Karen Stone paper piecing pattern that is shown made in flannel.  It is from 1998 and I probably bought it around that time.
I pulled a selection of flannels in the 3 groups it called for, darks, lights, and reds.  Some of them are small pieces and will only end up in the paper piecing part.  The 2 background pieces in each block plus paper piecing parts will be cut from the larger pieces.
The second group of flannels I pulled will be for a Stack and Slash quilt.  I got 19 of them cut into the 7" square and 4.5" strips but one piece was too small so I will look for a replacement for it today.


  1. I think I have that pattern too. Bold choice to use flannel and paper piecing together. I think it will be beautiful and the paper may actually help to tame the flannel a little bit.

  2. interesting, I would never have thought to use flannel for paper piecing.

  3. This is going to be a very cool quilt. I like the picture where the light colors are sprinkled throughout the quilt. The reds really make it pop too.

  4. Oh, flannel! This is going to be so totally cool in a paper-pieced quilt. Super pattern for it.

  5. flannel is something I have never used in quilts - I don't know why I have never tried them, I just haven't - I think I might have 2 pieces in the entire stash that were used for things other than quilts. I look forward to seeing this quilt of yours

  6. What a marvelous quilt Rattlesnake will be!!

  7. Looks like a difficult pattern. Paper piecing with flannel sounds difficult, too. When you finish you will have a Soft, BEAUTIFUL Rattlesnake quilt!

  8. Sew ambitious with your paper piecing.

  9. This one is going to be fun to watch. Bear Paw, and now Rattlesnake. Right out of the Wilderness of Sandwich, IL. (*._,*)


  10. Looks like fun--a flannel quilt sounds awfully nice on this cold yucky day we're having here. Nice pattern choice for it too!

  11. There you go again, Wanda, just like the Starship Enterprise -boldly! You inspire me continually. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us all!!!!

  12. Ooooh, flannel! Have only used it to back a few baby quilts, nice idea for that pattern.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Lemme try this try this again lol! I can't wait to see Rattlesnake on us design wall! You inspire me daily :-) Amie

  15. Flannel has its own look and this is going to be rich and beautiful!

  16. I've never worked with flannels in a quilt. I can't wait to see the finished quilt. My best to your success.

  17. I like to work with flannel, but it just does not get cold enough here! I burn up sewing and would not think about sleeping under it!

  18. How interesting to try paper piecing with flannel. I had a terrible time trying to paper piece one little cotton block. I'll be watching to see your results. Do flannels have to be washed first before using in a quilt? Thanks for sharing your talent with us!


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