
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sew a little, clean a little...........

I paired fabrics and sewed most of the triangles yesterday.  I need to cut some more light fabrics to finish.  In the cleaning department I vacuumed the living/dining room and guest bedroom and then cleaned up photos files in my computer.  Then I backed up all of my last 3 months' photos to a portable hard drive.
After that I needed a treat.  My brother in TX sent these truffles to me.  I have tasted one of each kind so now I know what flavor these will be when I want to eat them.  They are delicious.


  1. Those truffles are little works of art in themselves!

  2. I see a Christmas quilt in the works.

  3. Sometimes you just have to clean, but what a great reward after... those truffles are beautiful! But, I bet oh so tasty too!

  4. Those truffles look so artistic, and I would guess they taste as good as they look.

  5. I love the way you eat candy - I want to know what they taste like to and they are so pretty! (what a sweet brother to send candy)

  6. looks like you accomplished quite a bit, including eating several candies!

  7. After all that hard work, what a nice treat! Good brother!

  8. the box of candies would make an interesting quilt pattern

  9. Watching you work with your fabrics is a treat in itself. I always look forward to the next step you make as your piece grows.

    So now I will be looking for Lang's chocolates my next trip to town. OMG do they look good. I bought some of 'your' limited edition Lindt chocolates... in fact 6 bags. Too good, only 1 bag left in my stash. Hope I can get some more before the season is over.


  10. I haven't been reading blogs in a few days but now trying to catch up. As usual you have been a busy lady. I am glad that your vision seems to be improving. I pray that it continues to get better. Last Wednesday had cataract removed from the second eye. I can see again clearly. Now for all the eye drops. Tonight will work on mug rugs so that I have some for everyone at Christmas.

  11. The truffles are beautiful! I bet they taste just as good.

  12. I made one flannel quilt long ago - burgundy, dark green, and cream (all "winter rose" based). I still love it.

    Seeing your cut pieces makes me want to make another 'winter' quilt!


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