
Friday, November 9, 2012

And now there are 8.....

I sewed the last 3 blocks that I cut on Wednesday so I'm now 2/3 of the way there.  I also got the hand sewing done on the binding on one and a third sides of the pastel wonky log cabin quilt.
I finally found my purple flannel fabrics.  The middle one is probably the best  but I think maybe I want to use the plaid on the bottom.  The top one isn't the right shade of purple.  I need it to be more of a plum.  Maybe I'll use the middle one as a replacement for the black print in a couple blocks and the plaid with the black print in the other 2.
While I was looking for the purples I found a bag with these leftovers from a quilt I made about 10 years ago.  They are 6.5" squares.  I will cut some more and make it into a lap size quilt.
I used a diagonal layout the last time.  It will take less squares that way.  I'll be cutting for several days for it so I can make the decision as I work.  I have a week until the surgical procedure on my eye so I'm going to keep busy.


  1. The flannel stars are going to make a really cozy quilt. Boy, you really are getting lots of UNO's done! I did go and read up about the eye procedure but I can't remember if you can still use it while treatment is going on.
    What a trying time for you. It's so good we have our quilting to absorb us!

  2. I know how old some of those flannels are -- I have the bear/camp was in a quilt I made for my son when he when to Montana for a year! Do you have more of the bears so you can cut them wonky so they will be "right reading" and not tilted if you put them on point? I really like the diagonal layout and need to use that with some flannel squares I have left over when I got a little too aggressive with my cutting when I made 11 rag quilts for Christmas one year!

    You are rocking on those UFOs....but I like you're starting other things too! Jan

  3. I'm always interested to see what you come up with for your leftover blocks. There always seem to be at least a few in most projects.

  4. About "keeping busy" -- I admire how much you get done every day of the week! You are an inspiration to all of us.
    Cheers, Linda

  5. I've been reading your blog for quite some time but just watched your film debut. I really enjoyed it. You inspire me!

  6. You sure on the dating of the 10 year ago woods flannel? I have a project around here from the same era. Still love the fabric.... will be praying for busyness and the procedure...

  7. Love these warm fall colors. And the stars are sooo beautiful, my no.1 favourite among the traditional blocks.

  8. With 6" of snow on the ground and more coming down as I write this... Your flannel pieces are perfect for our blustery days. I want to wrap myself in them right now. (*._,*)

    You always introduce a color to a piece that I would never think of. Your purples compliment your warm browns so nicely.


  9. As always you are really keeping busy. Thank God you are talented and have projects that you can do to keep your mind off things. I wonder what the people that do nothing do when they have stress in their lives. I am having cataract surgery on the 28th. I know yours is much worse than mine. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  10. Your keeping bush strategy is really working well. I will be thinking of you as the event comes nearer.


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