
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A fun block.........

The scraps of Cherrywood fabrics from this top have been laying on my cutting table teasing me.  Since I didn't want to do much one eyed cutting, I figured a wonky block was the perfect thing to make. 
I hope to be able to answer comments in a couple days.  Removal of the radioactive thing in my eye is this morning and no more heavy lead patch slipping down my face after that.  I will still probably have a shield over the bruised eye for awhile so I'll take what will happen one day at a time.  Thank you for continuing to leave comments even though I couldn't continue the conversation with you.


  1. Wishing you a speedy recovery. We the people need our Wanda fix everyday lol.

  2. Прекрасный блок. Люблю темные и густые цвета!

  3. Fun block indeedie....and so glad that recovery is moving a long one step at a time.

  4. Blessing regards from Finland, too. Thank you for your awesome blog. I check this one every day :)

  5. Wanda, you were making wonky blocks long before most people even considered it. I think it is fitting that you go back and explore this again. Best wishes with this next procedure!

  6. I love your Wonky block.
    Yaay for getting the seeding device removed. I hope it is completely successful and that your recovery time is short. (no need to answer this.)

  7. like the wonky blocks. figured you weren't able to see as well with just one eye - but wanted you to know I was thinking of you like everyone else here I think

  8. Love the blocks, Cherrywood are some of my favorite fabrics! Wishing you the best of luck this morning! Thinking of you!

  9. Those blocks are gorgeous! Good luck again today! Sending hugs across the miles!

  10. Your wonky blocks are wonderful, like you, Wanda. Continuing to Hold you in the Light here Near Philadelphia.

  11. You're amazing, Wanda. You seem to be handling all this. Of course I'm sure in private there are worries. Don't worry about answers to comments.
    The wonky block does seem like the perfect thing!

  12. What a fun block! Good luck with your procedure today. You continue in my prayers.

  13. I did a double take this morning - saw your block on my blog feed, but thought it was another quilter who makes stuff like this - not your usual style with all the solids but I love love love it! Must try this! You take care and no worries about responding - we all understand and just want you to recover! Good luck today~

  14. Patience, don't push yourself.
    Hugs and prayers to you and your father.

  15. I admire your spunk. Keep it up.

  16. Healing prayers continue, Wanda--and don't worry about responding back. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.

  17. Your do great work even with the patch! I hope you are more comfortable when the big patch is removed....Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  18. Cherrywood fabrics must be great fun to play with. They look good no matter what pattern they are in. I surely hope your eye is healing well despite the cumbersome eye patch. You'd think with the upgrades in technology in the last 20 years, they could come up with a better solution. I hope your dad is recovering.

  19. I found you thru My Life with Critters - I am a quilter - not as fine a quilter as you are. I have been following your progress with this eye business - your grace and humor will see you thru this ordeal.

    I am glad you are having "conversations" with your readers.

  20. Bless you, Wanda. Thank you for an update. Rest up. Heal. You are in my thoughts. No need to respond to my comment. Take care of yourself.

  21. You're such a trooper. I hope it all goes as easily as possible today and you are home and recovering soon. PS I love those blocks, good idea.

  22. Here's to a GREAT day today -- traffic, weather, procedure itself, response of doctors to the state of things, more manageable traffic, and finally getting home at the end of it all.

    MANY MANY hugs to you!!

  23. I love this block! Especially the colors. I hope you procedure goes well, and you have a smooth speedy recovery after that. Happy Thanksgiving!

  24. Keeping you in my prayers today and looking forward to a speedy recovery and getting you back into full production mode.

  25. I like the wonky block! Good luck with the procedure today!

  26. Thinking of you today Wanda. And thanks so very much for your posts everyday. I am in awe of you; being an artist means that creating is like breathing no matter how you feel.

    Lots of hugs.....

  27. I too hope all went well today and that the mass has shrunk down to nothing. My prayers are with you. Can't get over how much you accomplish even with that clunky lead patch you had to wear. Wonky blocks are fun and look just like leather on my screen.



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