
Monday, November 19, 2012

Blooms and spacers..........

This cactus has 3 blooms on it now. A lot of the buds have dried up and fallen off of several of the plants but this one decided to bloom.  I have 2 buds on a red one too.
I asked my sister-in-law if she would get some bananas for me and while she was at the store she got me a poinsettia too.  I love the red flowers and they always last a long time. 
Here are the spacer squares I will use between the strips on this quilt.  It is a really dark green, almost black.  I cut them with my studio die cutter.


  1. Poinsettias are stunning, aren't they?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The poinsettia is a nice surprise this time of year. Especially knowing your love of flowers, it was a great "add on" to the bananas.

    I like the spacers you chose for the random planks.

  4. Great choice for your spacers, Wanda! This is going to be a great plank quilt.

  5. I love your fabric choices and the poinsettia was such a thoughtful gift.

  6. My goodness you have a lot on your plate right now. I caught up reading your posts from the weekend so I admire you for squeezing in some sewing! Between your Dad being ill and your eye you have your hands full. Take care and I will be thinking of you.

  7. So glad to see all the colors!

    Love those spacer pieces . . .

  8. You were on my mind this week cuz while I was out shopping I found, and bought, a Christmas cactus in full bloom: I call her Wanda as she is full of Exuburent Color. We have received a poinsetta every year for 20 years from a work friend of DH's. He died this year and I know we will feel the loss again when that plant doesn't arrive. However, I still have one going from 2 years ago so his memory lives on.

  9. Lovely blooms.
    I'm looking forward to watching your plank quilt come together with your choice of bold, dark green spacers. Exciting. The quilt will be popping with color.

  10. beautiful, I love poinsettias also I bet tomorrow can't come soon enough for you to get that patch off.

  11. Once again you captured the elegance and beauty of your plants. Your sister in law sure picked out a grand looking plant.

    What is it about polka dots that adds the pizazz to a piece. I fell in love with your last piece with the polka dots and I can see this one is going to be another stunner.


    Hope this day goes by swiftly for you... can only imagine how cumbersome and irritating that lead patch is.

  12. What a sweet sister! I always love seeing the poinsettias arrive with their gorgeous color.

    The spacers are going to be perfect with those strips.

  13. Oooh, lots of eye candy today! Cactus flower is so pretty. I may just have to break down and buy one in bloom. Mine are still on strike. I like the dots, too.

  14. I've been offline and didn't see your posts about your surgery. I'm glad that things are going well, if a bit uncomfortable, and I join with you and others in praying for a good recovery for both you and your father.

    Be blessed today, in this very moment, Wanda.

  15. love your spacer squares...look forward to seeing the finished product...i bet it will be fantastic.

  16. Hi, Wanda. Gorgeous fabrics you've picked to work with. Hope your vision is improving rapidly so you can keep churning out the marvels that you do. Get well soon!
    best, nadia

  17. Don't you just love it when the Christmas cacti start blooming. I've got lots of buds, no flowers yet.


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