
Friday, October 26, 2012

Relaxing sewing........

I wasn't ready to jump into a big project or machine quilting yet so I made some more blocks from the box of 2.5" triangles and squares.  I completed 6 of these 8" stars and started playing with layout.
I also made 17 pinwheel blocks of which 16 are shown here.  They are 4" finished.
I made a small quilt like this one as a sample for the store I used to work for and thought maybe I should make a small one for myself.
As long as I was playing with layouts I decided to use the 2 kinds of blocks together in the next one.  The gray print would be the sashing between all of the blocks and some larger print would be the border, not necessarily this print.  It's still in the play cycle, no decisions yet but this last one would end up 36" x 48" which would be nice.
The cacti are beautiful.   There are still lots of buds so I hope they keep blooming for a few weeks.


  1. You're right, the cacti are beautiful! I love those two blocks in your fabrics.they look great together.

  2. great quilt blocks-love stars and the combination with the pinwheels too

  3. Oooh I love the alternate polka dot blocks between the stars. I have an antique quilt with alternate dotted blocks between the stars! Maybe the dots are like more distant stars in the galaxy. :-)

  4. Lots of fun going on at your house. The cactus are beautiful. Have fun playing. Chris

  5. The cacti are lovely. I don't normally think white flowers are all the exciting, but the white cactus is lovely. The rich pink stigma with the yellow anthers really make it fun to look at.

  6. the cacti are beautiful. And so is the quilt at the top.

  7. So pretty...I really like the first one with the black and white dot!

  8. Beautiful projects in the making. Love the polka dots for the back ground.

  9. Your cacti are so beautiful. I've had one for about five years but have never gotten it to bloom. What's your secret?

  10. the cactus flowers are gorgeous, I don't remember seeing the white one before, very pretty. Love the batik stars.

  11. We just got back home, Wanda, and I had to check how things were going for you. As you said, it is not the result that you wanted, but I am glad to hear that the treatment is available and can be started quickly.

    Your stars and pinwheels are just wonderful. I love the alternating fabric in the pinwheel quilt.

    I can't believe how well your cacti are doing already. Mine are just starting to bud out.

  12. I really admire how you have shared your health issues and your ability to stay focused on creating beautiful projects. And, those cacti are just amazing!

  13. I love all the posts today..the polka dots and the blocks mixed...U sure have a way with the cacti...unbelievable..

  14. Love the polka dot for a background! The cacti are stunning! Thanks for posting the white one - it is so beautiful!

  15. Hi Wanda!
    That polka dot background on the first photo is so much fun!
    Glad you're feeling up to doing some playing.

    My Christmas cacti are way behind yours. Just starting to get tiny buds. Do you have yours outdoors over the summer?
    Take care.
    Vicky F

  16. I love the two blocks together and I really love the layout with the black and white polka dots.
    I have buds but no blooms yet. Yours are beautiful!

  17. I actually like the blocks best with the b&w polka dots. However it's going to be striking either way. And the cacti, they are really beautiful.

  18. What a fun post today.... stars 'n pinwheels and with such wonderful fabrics. Polka dot fabric really makes those stars pop. I think the pinwheels and stars would look good on your dot background.

    I agree your cacti are absolutely beautiful. The blossoms seem to float in the air.


  19. Love the stars set in b&w polka dots ... love it!

    Like the blocks together, but the first one makes my heart sing!

    You grow the most beautiful cacti of any I've ever seen - and your photos of the flowers are fabulous.

  20. Beautiful....the flowers, the blocks, your setting with the polka dots!

  21. I, too, like the stars with the polka dots, they stand out so well. Definitely my favourite, the contrast makes it "zing" as one quilting lady told me when I had some bright yellow in with other colours. The cacti are lovely, the close up is super.Enjoy making something for yourself, this will be healing of another kind as you cut and stitch. Greetings from Jean.

  22. I just love your first combo with the polka dots - it makes my heart sing.

  23. Once again you are making fabric sing. I have been out of pocket for a few days: sorry your diagnosis wasn't what you wanted but follow orders for a swift recovery.

  24. Those pinwheels are just yummy! My favorite block. :o)

  25. I've never seen a white zygocactus -- it's gorgeous!

  26. What a lot of beautiful playing you've done there! I like them all, and that white cactus is gorgeous! I don't think I've ever seen one like it.


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