
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Long day..........

I felt the love from all of you yesterday, through comments and personal emails and prayers on my behalf.  I did get a diagnosis and even though it wasn't the one I was hoping for, there are great strides in treatments today and I have every confidence in the doctors I met yesterday.  I will be undergoing a radioactive seeding treatment for the mass in my eye sometime next month.  They say they have a good success rate for it.
The cookies above were a gift from a dear friend and are Mrs. Hanes' Sugar Crisps from Clemmons, NC.  They are sooooo good!!!  Thanks friend!!
Now back to quilting........


  1. Wanda,

    So sorry about your diagnosis. High hopes for a speedy recovery.m sending smiles, hugs and well wishes.

    Those cookies look wonderful!!!!!

  2. Sounds like you hae the right Doctor to deal with your troubles. One more challenge to deal with. Sorry life is so tough sometimes. Here is hoping things go well and you deal with this head on. Chris

  3. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. But you are right. Treatments have come a long way in the past few years. Hoping things go well for you. Those cookies look great! Hugs.

  4. Oh Wanda, I'm so sorry for your diagnosis. I'm glad they are optimistic about treatments! It must be terribly scary nonetheless. Your quilting and your friends will help you through it.

  5. I was hoping for a better diagnosis but am glad you like the doctors and that they have a plan that is optimistic and proven. So hope is in the air and yes, wonderful quilts are waiting. The prayers and thoughts for a quick recovery continue, Wanda.

  6. The diagnosis while a bit scary, does at least give a definite plan. I am praying that the seeding will be a success. I know that as artists we depend on our eyes.

    Chin up my friend, we are here for you!
    Big hugs.

  7. I'm sorry the diagnosis is such a scary one, but knowing there is a treatment with a good success rate has to relieve some of the worry. Take care and know that my prayers are with you!

  8. Sending you a hug and my best wishes.

  9. Once you have a diagnosis and a plan, you can at least switch out of a fear/anxiety mode into a "okay, let's do this" mode. My sense is fear is still real but I am really getting at the shift. Support, kindness and blessings, k.

  10. Thank you for sharing your journey through your tests and treatment. I'm really glad you have confidence in these doctors. You've been on my mind and in my prayers.
    Those cookies look delightful. An expression of love and concern on a day when you needed it.
    Enjoy another quilting day today.

  11. My father had that seeding, and it was very successful for him. I am sorry your diagnosis was not what you were hoping for, but the good success rate gives us all hope. I'll keep you in my prayers. You mean a lot to all of us.

    Millie says purrs

  12. Please keep your courage up. Thanks for letting us share in this with you....we will continue to pray, comment and prop you up. Enjoy the cookies. Lots of hugs.

  13. Best wishes for good health to return and prayers always. I love your blog and your quilts - am looking forward to you make lots more on both!

  14. BLessings to you! We're all praying that the treatment is easy and works!

  15. Thinking of you . . . all the way from Australia

  16. One thing at a time . . . you finally have the diagnosis and you have a treatment plan.

    Now it is time to breathe deeply and move forward.

    I'm grateful that you have good doctors who are up to speed on treatment methods and that you have family/friends nearby.

    Thank you for sharing this with us . . .
    Prayers and good wishes continue to flow!

    p.s. i cut the Phillip Jacobs yardage for the backing of your black and white flimsy last night . . .

  17. I'm sorry you didn't get the diagnosis you'd hoped for, but I'm very glad it is treatable.
    Now you can move forward. Rooting for you all the way.

  18. I'm sorry the diagnosis wasn't what you had hoped, but at least you have a plan and have confidence in your doctors. And you're so right -- the strides in treatment have been enormous.
    Keeping you in my thoughts!

  19. The diagnosis sounds scary, but it sounds like the docs are on top of it. You are in my thoughts and prayers...will you be having the procedure and getting you "pirate eye patch" in time for trick or treating?

    Teresa :o)

  20. I hope that this treatment will work for you and that it will not take a lot out of you. Well this last very long and when do they start? Have they told you what the out look is? I'm thinking of you.

  21. I will continue to pray for successful treatment on your eye. Eyes are precious things as you are. I always am delighted by what you accomplish with your quilts.You are the most productive quilter I know of. Hugs to you.

  22. With a diagnosis, a treatment plan, specialists who are optimistic, it is time to get back to quilting, surrounded by a blog community sending you love and prayers to see you through this trial.

  23. My prayers and hugs are headed your way. It sounds like you have good doctors. Please let us know how you are doing as the treatment proceeds.

  24. I am sorry your diagnosis wasn't as positive as you hoped, but with the skilled care of your dr. I know you will do well. When do they start? Do you have to go to Chicago for treatments?

  25. I truly believe that a positive attitude leads to a positive outcome so you're going to get through all of this with a good result. I know it will be hard sometimes but try to remember to think of all of us out here sending good energy.

  26. This was not the diagnosis any of us wanted to hear. I'm glad you have good doctors. There have been so many strides in treatments. I hear success stories everyday, wonders of modern medicine. Sharing your news with us takes courage. I'm glad you realize you have a lot of friends out here. You do. We care for you, love you and are routing for you.

  27. Now that you have a diagnosis, you can move forward, one step at a time. Just stay positive!! I truly believe it makes a huge difference. You know we're all thinking of you and praying for you.

  28. Many prayers continue for you!

  29. As I remember, cookies are some of the best treatment of all. :)

  30. You won't be alone Wanda. We are all here by your side; don't hesitate to reach out and take our hand if you need to. You are a very special lady!

    Sending good thoughts your way each and everyday.


  31. It sounds like you are in very good hands Wanda, and that treatment will move along quickly, which is a blessing. Now that you know I'm certain that there is a bit less anxiety and I hope that continues. I was in a similar situation about a year ago and, believe it or not, you do get through it. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  32. I'm so sorry to hear about the diagnosis but at least there is a plan that has good results. To me the hardest part is waiting to hear the diagnosis and as others have commented it's much easier when you then know what is going on and have a plan to attack it. I'm sending you my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

  33. Hang in there. I'm praying for you and I know that many, many more people will pray that this treatment will bring success and healing! God bless you!

  34. So sorry to hear of the diagnosis, but good to know there is promising treatment. And at least the waiting is over, and you can go forward knowing what you're dealing with. With many prayers for a full and speedy recovery.

  35. At least you now have a plan of action with every reason for optimism. We're all pulling for you!

  36. I understand how scary eye problems can be since I had a whole series of hemorrhages in my left retina. You should have seen my trying desperately to finish quilting a black & white quilt for our show when I could barely see out of that eye....
    I hope that you know you are surrounded by hugs and all of our best wishes for a good recovery after this seeding procedure.

  37. Knowing is better than not knowing. I'm thankful for the medical care that is available to you, and will continue praying for peace in your heart and the ability to trust the Lord as you experience your treatments.

  38. Scary, yes but knowing and having a plan is a very good thing. You know you have all of us behind you sending positive thoughts and wishes and virtual hugs. Stay busy and positive and know that you have all those longevity genes in your family!!!

  39. I, too, am sorry to hear the diagnosis wasn't better. You are such a strong woman, I know you'll go at this with the determination and strength with which you appear to do all the other things in your life. You have a very large support crew in us, and thank you for letting us know what's going on and allowing us the opportunity to send you our thoughts and prayers. PS I'm really glad you are near such great medical care; this, from someone who has lived for years where it isn't available.

  40. I'm glad you like your dr's. That's a big part of your success, along with a positive outlook, Sounds like you have a good start on this. Take care.

  41. You have coped with all the tests and faced your diagnosis with such strength and grace, I admire you even more than ever.

    You have helped all of us with your daily tips and personally answering all of our questions. I do not know anyone who is as giving as you are. You give so much of yourself to others I know God will be good to you.


  42. Now that the waiting is over, you know which path to take to get you over this bump in the road...much success with your treatment !!
    Bonnie H

  43. So...I have come to believe..despite my whining...that we have to be strong and brave and true in this life of surprises. Fellow travelers that we are. Sending virtual hugs from Charlotte..Hang in there.

  44. will be keeping you in my prayers and thoughts....Those cookies look so yummy! Do you have the recipe for them?

  45. That just sucks lemons. I'm sorry it wasn't the diagnosis you were looking for, but with prayers (and friends who send cookies!) and God's grace, I pray that the treatment will be a success.

  46. You have shared this with us, the first step in the new road ahead,We will all be here, at your side,hugs, caring thoughts, prayers and more,holding you tight as we travel with you,The diagnosis has been made,( not what any of us wanted either) and the treatment decided, trust in the decision, and all will be well. Fondest greetings, Jean.

  47. Ahhhh, that's the Spirit....onward and upward, and good friends to boot ! Praise God !

  48. I know someone who had that done and it was totally successful. An amazing new treatment. Keep a positive attitude and know we all are sending you love and support.

  49. I'm sorry for your diagnosis, but glad there is a treatment. Hopefully you'll soon be on the way to beating this. Those cookies look like a great way to start. Virtual hugs coming your way!

  50. Sorry to hear of the problems you are having. Sometimes life is a bitch but we seem to survive it all. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hang in there you have a bunch of us praying for you.

  51. Sending positive karma your way, along with high hopes for low-stress-inducing treatment and a speedy recovery.

  52. Sent by 'Millie' and keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

  53. Wanda, thank you for sharing your journey on this with us. We're with you in your fear AND your hope and confidence. Let us know how the treatments are going; we're family. Leslie

  54. At least you know what you are facing. Keep your spirits up. You have a lot of people on your side.

  55. Wanda, I am sending both hugs and prayers . I admire your courageous attitude.Sounds like you are in very good medical hands.

  56. Oh Wanda... being away, I missed your post and am just getting caught up. I am so sad about your diagnosis, but I am sending all my best thoughts and prayers your way for successful treatment and a speedy recovery.


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