
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A 'keep busy' day...........

Yesterday I just needed to keep busy so I wouldn't think about my appointment today.  I cut batting for this random plank (also known as jelly roll race) quilt top and the backing fabric is at the left.  It isn't a batik but looks great with the colors in the quilt. 
The crosses quilt is 48" square so I knew I needed to add a strip to the width for the backing. I had a long strip of the fabric at the left that was a leftover from another quilt and I also had a larger chunk of it to cut the main piece from.  I sewed it together and it is ready to baste.  I will do this one on my Pfaff because I want it ditch quilted and there is a continuous line diagram in one of Kaffe's books.
I went through 3 boxes of miscellany in the basement too and filled a garbage bag with useless stuff.  It feels good to see some empty boxes.


  1. Wow good job getting some of the "less fun" work done to keep your mind off it.

    I am praying that things go well today.

  2. I love the circle fabric om the cross quilt! Hope things go well at your appointment! I'll be thinking of you.

  3. Sending tons of good vibes your way.

  4. I hope things go well at the doctor's today.

  5. Sorting and culling is good for the soul - good for you!

    Hopefully the traffic going into the city and back isn't too terrible today.

  6. Ah yes, this is the best kind of keep busy work! Looks like you were productive too. Wishing you all my best today!

  7. Sending you positive vibes and thoughts today.

  8. The waiting is the worst!Sending prayers your way.Julie

  9. Looks like you made good use of your "worry time". Thinking of you today!

  10. Good thoughts and prayers going with you today Wanda.


  11. I'll be thinking of you today - all positive thoughts and prayers.

  12. Thinking of you today. Best thought and prayers.

  13. Thanks for the link for the plank quilt, then the link to your friends quilt, what a great idea!
    Lots of good wishes will be with you today!

  14. I've been doing lots of cleaning up and thowing out, too - I know it's traditionally a "spring cleaning" project, but I tend to get the urge more in the fall. Feels good to clear the path!
    Will keep thinking about you today, Wanda!

  15. Thinking of you and sending prayers!

  16. I hope your appointment was early today! Waiting is so hard.
    And I have fingers crossed that the results are good.

  17. Thoughts, wishes and hugs to you today, your time. Love the strips and the colours, your passion for quilting shows so much in every fabric selection and the end result, they always, always look absolutely wonderful. Greetings from Jean

  18. Oh, I like that 'plus' quilt ! Gorgeous !

    Hey, great news on the deboxing !
    I cleaned out the drawer under the t.v. it will actually close !

  19. Amen to empty boxes! Praying that appointment went well.

  20. You have a beautiful blog. Sending prayers for good news.

  21. Hugs and prayers. And more hugs!

  22. YOu have been in my thoughts today. I hope the doctors appointment went well.

  23. Hope your evening is a peaceful one. Been in my thoughts today.

  24. I think I got this comment thing figured out. It has taken me two days but I finally slowed down long enough to read all the data.

    Random plank looks so pretty Wanda. The crosses are so vivid and of course exuberant fabrics.

    So hope your appointment was better than you were told.


  25. Hoping all went well. You have lots of love around you.

  26. You were in my thoughts today. Hope all went well. Empty boxes are happy boxes. Hugs.

  27. Hope everything turned out well today. Hugs to you.

  28. Thinking of you - love the crosses

  29. Good thoughts for a successful treatment. Thank you for sharing all of your beautiful colors with us!


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