
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Center section sewn......

I liked the polka dots yesterday too and wanted to use all of the blocks in one quilt so I took layout 3 and substituted the dot for the gray print I had in there yesterday.  I have the center section sewn together and just have to decide if this is my final choice for the outer border.
It is going to get cold the next few nights so these remaining plants in the porch pots will probably be gone soon.

The low growing sumac bushes are changing color and dropping their leaves.
I have one solid rose color cactus blooming too.  I am seeing the first buds on one of the darker green plants and I'm hoping it is red. 


  1. Since I love red, It gets two thumbs up from me.

  2. Wonderful! That is a cheery quilt top.

  3. I am really liking this quilt. We get your weather about a day after you. It's cold and rainy today. My geraniums are still hanging in there and I love that. My Christmas cactus is not budding yet. Yours are magnificent, aren't they?

  4. Oh yeah...I really REALLY like this one!

  5. Love the new quilt layout and fabric choices. The cacti blooms are so pretty. You definitely have a gift with them.

  6. love the stars and pinwheels together
    it's getting cold here too :(

  7. love the quilt - it did get cold here last night - I woke up to 37 degrees this morning.

  8. Great quilt, I love the layout and the polka dots are just perfect. The red is perfect for the border. I would say that it's getting cold here too - but I'm in Aurora, so I'm only about 20 miles away from you! LOL

  9. Love it Wanda. The polka dots look great!

  10. I like this quilt. SO bright and cheerful.

  11. That is stunning!!! I love the dots.

    We drove through that nasty cold storm on our trip, Stay warm.

  12. Love It! You are inspiring me to sew again!

  13. Love it, love it! Great choices - the border fabric is perfect!

  14. It will be a lovely quilt, like it very much. Your cactus is adorable. Here in Sweden it is also rather cold and in the north parth it is plenty of snow but not in the south there I live.

  15. I like this quilt a lot, perfect for a crib size quilt which is what I mostly make.

  16. Oh, yes . . . I love that color for the border!!

    Cacti looks like a silk scarf floating through the air.

  17. Stars, pinwheels, dots, and border every single element is just stunning ! It just jumps off the screen even more so than yesterday! Absolutely love it.

    Photo's of your foliage as always is so pretty. I can see how your plants inspire your design and work.


  18. The layout is so right, those blocks really pop out now, and the border is lovely,picking up some of the colours , Cheers from Jean

  19. Wow... I loved this at last post, now I LOVE it! Brilliant choices.

  20. I love to watch you PLAY! The dots, the border fabric, the blocks, the colors, love them all together.

  21. The dots really make it pop, I like the darker boarder

  22. Totally excellent!!! Great place to use that border fabric, too.

  23. This is looking stunning, I like the fabric you've placed in this pic for the outer border.

  24. How pretty! I like the dots, too. The Kaffe fabrics all play together so nicely, don't they. :)


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