
Friday, September 28, 2012

Cable fixed, blooms, squares...........

I transplanted all of my cacti last week and look--- I have buds already!  I put the plants outside for the summer and bring them in right before the first frost.  Two years ago I rescued a bunch of them when W*lm*rt stopped watering them and was going to throw them out.  I suspected there were 2 plants in each pot because they were so crowded in the little pots.  So 10 cacti became 20 and the large one I bought last year at the end of the season had 3 plants in it.  Add that to the orange one a friend gave me and I have a lot of them.  I gave 2 away to the freecycler that got peony roots last week and gave 4 to my sister in law and niece yesterday.  I guess that still leaves me with 18 so I should have lots of blooms this year.
I cut some more squares for the quilts of valor from the donated fabric.  The piles are 1 3/4" tall so there are a lot packed into this box which I will hand off today to our leader.

The cable guy came yesterday and he determined that the signal was a little weak in my basement and he said ABC and WGN are on the same signal line so that is why both of them were affected with the interruptions.  He replaced my splitters and the cable leading into the garage.  He said my splitters (I had 2 and he reduced that to 1) were sending the weak signal because they weren't powerful enough.  They were from the early 1990s when the cable signal was a lot weaker.  I now have almost all new lines and fittings so I should be good for a few years.


  1. WOW, those look SO good, can't wait to see them today. Thank you for ALL you do for QOV!

  2. Your cacti look great! Buds already! Can't wait to see them bloom. Mine are still dormant. Maybe I should transplant them.

  3. I wish we live closer - I would love to have one of those cacti! Do they need a lot of light? You really cranked thru that fabric quick! What nice neat piles of fun squares!

  4. I have never had good luck keeping Christmas Cactus plants. How do you take care of yours?

  5. Those zygo cactus plants can be quite 'em..amazing what happens with a little TLC

  6. The cacti are going to be soooo gorgeous when they are all in bloom.

    Glad that the cable got sorted out for you.

  7. The buds on your cacti us a great surprise, especially since you just transplanted them last week ! They must have been on the way to bud out when you were replanting... ? ? ? But anxious to see the blossoms.

    So neat and tidy your box of squares. The cutting is the most time consuming and to be able to begin sewing right away I know is so appreciated.

    You are like our little squirrels getting your nest all ready for winter. Freshly painted living/dining rooms complete. Cable all fixed for cozy nights listening to your programs as you stitch away.

    (*._,*) J~MT

  8. That's great you already have bubs on your Cacti.. You will have a gorgeous show this year Wanda..
    I must repot my too.

  9. Hello! I was referred to your site via Sew Divertimento! I am now following your blog! I love to quilt and have made two small blankets and am currently working on a queen size quilt.

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

  10. Let me try this again: I love Christmas Cactus. Had to get rid of the ones I had many years ago when I got my first kitten. She would not leave them alone!

  11. I love the cacti! I have thought about getting one, but never have. You have definitely brought them to life!

  12. Hopefully will have flowers for Christmas. When I lived in Florida I had a couple of plants that I used to keep outside. They loved it there. I have one tropical plant that I brought back, one that I cut off the mother plant and just stuck it in a pot of dirt that I had. I put it out every summer and loves it and then when I bring it in it starts to lose leaves and doesn't like inside. I have had the plant for over 15 years.


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