
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Nature rules..........

The beauty of nature at this time of year just takes over the conversation everywhere you go.  The trees are turning early and I'm glad they are colors and not just dried up and brown after the drought this summer.
Every year I threaten to dig out all of the volunteer asters but this year I had to leave them there to shade the small delicate perennials that couldn't take the heat without rain.  Aren't those 2 photos a great color scheme?
I only have to fill the bird feeders twice a week now that I have chained this one shut and the squirrels can't pop the lid open any more. Of all of the greenery you see in the background over 75% is weeds.  They survive when everything else turns brown and curls up.  Next year I hope we have good weather so I can spend some time cleaning it up.


  1. It looks like you are going to have a really pretty fall this year.

  2. Those asters are absolutely lovely!

  3. I so love your asters! I miss mine, they were hot pink with a yellow center. About two years ago, my husband thought they were weeds coming up in the spring and sprayed them all with weed killer... needless to say he will never live that one down. It still upsets me a bit when I sit on the front porch and look at the bare spot in front of me.

  4. everything is looking beautiful isn't it. I hope my trees turn such beautiful colors also -

  5. The colors are just wonderful. I, too, hope next summer is kinder for you.

  6. Trees aren't turning here in Eastern Kentucky yet.
    I love the photos you post of your yard and share them with my husband, please never stop posting them, we love the "tails/tales" of the squirrels too!
    Don't pull the Asters. Took husband to the eye Dr the other morning. Just past the back lot is a big empty field with a grown up back fence way in the distance. Off in the distance you could just make out a hint of purple against all the green. It was a delight to see, We walked across the field to inspect that one spot of color, it was Astors!
    Take care,

  7. That cage thingy around your seeds is such a good idea! Seams like everything else from our childhood; even the squirels have gotten bolder! I also love your favorites #1 & #2. The colors just make 'um shine! cheers, Claire W.

  8. You gotta love the colors of fall don't you- they are so pretty- While they are not the first colors that I gravitate to when I am creating things I do love them in nature. Our streets will soon be covered with leaves but while they are still on the trees they create a glorious canopy.
    Love those purple asters too.

  9. Your Aster is beautiful !

    I love mine. It's only the second year I've ever had one, and they look so straggly and 'eh' all year, I almost dug mine up too. But now, the color is just so gorgeous and I'm not even a big purple fan, but it's just the perfect shade to go with the contrasting greenery. God is just so smart that way !

  10. Grand photo's Wanda... And anxious to learn if the squirrels stay out of your feeder. It sure is an attractive feeder.


  11. Your chained up bird feeder made me think of the movie with Doris Day, Please Don't Eat the Daisies. Their son was an escape artist who had to be sort of chained into his playpen.

  12. Looks like you finally beat the squirrels. I love the purples with the red/orange/green of the tree. I need to do some clean up in the garden but will wait until after the first frost.

  13. I do love asters, but I wish they'd grow in partial shade. I'd love to find something that pretty for my front stoop - just not enough sun! And I love your comment about the weeds - actually, we're letting the far reaches of our backyard fill in with native self-selected plants - that's another name for weeds! But they never need watering, and they screen us from the neighbors. :-)


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