
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Errands and kits.......

Inevitably the day comes around that errands have to be taken care of.  I spent all morning running around and then cleaning out 2 boxes in the attic.  In the afternoon I worked on the colorwash kits that I am preparing to sell in August.  I have started out with the kit that has the fabrics like the colorwash I just completed.  I used 560 squares in that one.  I am trying for at least 200 pieces in the minimum size kit.  Since I used a lot of the fabrics more than once, a purchase of 2 kits would be a great starter package for someone with a limited stash.  Next I will work on the batik kits and after that, the soft florals like I used in this one and used in this tutorial.  I am using my die cutter so it speeds up the cutting a little (5 layers at a time) but I still have to press the creases out of each of the 5 fabrics and then cut a strip the width needed for the die, cut it into 4 squares and then stack the fabrics single thickness.  The trays above are 21 times pressing and cutting 5 fabrics so I'm up to 105 fabrics.  I'm pretty sure I'll not ever do this again because I have used up a lot of the really good fabrics. 


  1. WOW!! lots of cutting but I am sure the kits will make beautiful quilts.

  2. I am excited about these kits. Don't forget to keep me on the list.

  3. What a labor of love! I love your quilt in the previous post -

    All the best,
    - stop by and see the silk wall hanging made by our guest speaker at Bayside Quilters!

  4. That just means you'll NEED to get some more really good fabrics. :)

  5. I find that there are many fabrics that are difficult to cut into, use, or let go of for any reason. I used to give my scraps away. Now I don't even do that. I use them!

  6. It is fun to use up lots of fabric and shop for more!

  7. I am impressed by your labor!
    I'd love a batik kit.

  8. I enjoyed the colorwash class back in March. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to snag one of these kits!

  9. Katherine, you do not have your email enabled so I have no way to respond to you.

  10. Can't wait for your kits to be available! I have a "GO! Baby" and my 2" sq. cutter isn't sharp anymore--I don't know you ever get that problem? I love your quilts...Julierose

  11. Wanda, if you're keeping a list, I'd LOVE two of the batik kits. Just lemme know. Thanks!!

  12. You are really cutting up a storm Wanda! If you keeping a list I would love to finally do a colorwash quilt! Probably 2 kits. Of course I really love batiks.....oh boy!

  13. I love the colours in the colourwash you just completed! Please put me down for two of the kits!

  14. I'm sure that I missed it, but what size are your squares?

  15. I'm sure the kits will be fabulous and great value for money in USA. Unfortunately, the exorbitant cost of postage to Australia means I will have to forgo!

  16. I have enjoyed your post this past week about your steps for the color wash and mini quilts. I am on your list for the kits, please mark me down for 2. Thanks!

  17. Your colourwash quilt it's fabulous Wanda!! Simply I love it!! So, I am really excited about these kits. Please mark me down for 3.Thanks :)


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