
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Workshop sample.............

I am almost done cutting the African fabric kit, just a few more fabrics.  I had to cut another Stack and Slash quilt because that is the workshop I will be giving for the guild next Saturday.  This one is all frog fabrics.  This is 2 of the 12 fabrics that I will use.  I want to have this one sewn by Monday night so I'll have 3 samples to show.
We finally got some rain last night.  It is supposed to rain for a couple days and we really need it.  I hope it comes in waves and not a lot at once.


  1. Frogs have been my favorite since childhood. Nice eye candy for a Sunday morning. Have a great day.

  2. Cute fabrics! I like frogs! This is going to be fun to watch.

  3. I may have waked up sleepy today, but if I am reading this correctly and you have 12 frog-themed fabrics in your stash, I am truly impressed! Even if you don't, these really are cute and I look forward to seeing the top.

  4. We've had rain here in mid-MO
    Thursday afternoon 'til Fri afternoon - almost two inches.
    Friday afternoon 'til yesterday afternoon an additional THREE INCHES.
    Marty, you should get a bit of this storm before the weekend is over.

    Now, you'd better hop to it and finish your class prep.

    hugs 'n frogs,

  5. I love the frogs! Boy your productive when you get going!

  6. Your workshop sounds like fun. Do they work on a quilt, or find out how it is done?

    We had storms rip through here last night, two different systems. The worst of it (tornados) went south, thank heavens.

  7. Frog went a courtin he did ride, sword and pistol by his side!! HA! This is the beginnings of one of my favorite childhood books. I still have it!!

    Frogs are cool!!

  8. Love the frog prints. Anxious to see the rest of them.

    Great photo of your quilts all stacked and ready to go for your guild meeting. Truly shows your exuberant colorful talent.


  9. . . . probably on the same day as the new one arrives, if your house is like our house!

  10. Love the frogs...they will make a great quilt!

  11. I have lots of frogs in my pond in the back. It is a wonderful noise to fall asleep too.

    Yay, rain!!! We sure did need it.

    I am still plugging away on embroidering my Christmas quilt. I am on my last side and then pinwheels here I come.


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