
Saturday, April 14, 2012


I worked on my program that I will give Monday night at the guild meeting in my town.  It is called "Working in a Series".  This is about half of the quilts and quilt tops that will go with  me.  If you ever question the price someone is paid to do a program consider the 3-5 days of preparation that the presenter goes through.  I happen to like to choose quilts, revisit them as I stack them, but it is work.  Then there is all of the putting away when I get home.  It does help to air the quilts and rotate their resting spots, something I might not do if I didn't have a reason.
I dug up and split 2 more hostas.  We are supposed to get some rain so I'm hoping the mother plants that were put back in the ground will settle in nicely.  I have over 30 in pots now ready to share with family members.

I have stopped looking for the missing clear plastic foot and ordered a new one.  I was happy to find that they are still being made since I thought it was a limited edition foot.  I checked the top of the fan, the top of the 7 foot bookcases and used a flashlight to check behind the bookcases.  No foot.  I have covered the entire room now so it will show up some day in some obscure spot.


  1. Now that you have purchased a new foot - I can assure you that you will find the other one. It's a rule that this should happen. Don't feet usually come in pairs anyway? lol
    The stack of folded quilts is so beautiful, makes me want to dive in and see whats in there.

  2. No doubt the foot will appear 10 minutes or so after the new one arrives in the mail! Murphy's Law!

    If you ever get to Pennsylvania, you must let me know...I would love to have you do a program/workshop for our guild!

  3. I know your program will inspire the quilters in your audience. I guess your limited edition foot was so well received they decided to keep them in production.

  4. Mmm? Hadn't read your blog in a while and the bouncing lost foot is not a new one....I seem to loose things off my table every once in a while, and sometimes you find them, and sometimes you don't. I always check the garbage carefully before throwing that out. But the rickorche of what went flying is what puts things in the strangest places!

    We remodeled 2 years ago and had to completely empty out my sewing room! Man! Did I come across things. Pins that I love were all over the place. Smaller items were hiding under fabric and books. It was amazing what you find. Then you put things back in later and you still can't find the bigger things now. I have a fabric "catch-all" by the machine for these little feet and things. It's a fabric triangluar "bowl" that is perfect for this stuff. Send me your address and I'll send you one. I made a bunch up to put in a shop, then pulled out of the shop. Got plenty left!

  5. what a nice picture full of colour.

    you will find your foot after the new one arrived. lol.

  6. one day you will find the plastic foot and have an extra. What a pretty stack of quilts!

  7. I was going to comment that now that you have ordered a new foot; surely yours will turn up, but that has been covered. So, let me just say how envious I am of those who are going to get to here your program.

  8. Well it is too bad you had to order another foot cause just think of the an Easter egg hunt:) Although I am a big fan of having several of what I like to use since I often lose things in my messy room

  9. You gave it a valiant effort (I wouldn't have lasted as long :-)
    Glad they still make them. We have hostas to split also...maybe next week! Enjoy your weekend.

  10. I agree with you that teaching is much more than showing up. I teach community education classes- even though I have taught the class many times, there is always time to prepare materials, set up for the class,etc. So teaching is best done if it is something you really enjoy. sally in st. paul

  11. Now that you have ordered a new foot the old one will suddenly appear. I did that with my glasses a few weeks back. I looked everywhere and broke down and bought a new pair and within a few days they were found under the slipcovered sofa. I think it is worse when you put something away and you are sure you remember where you put it and it is not there and you search for days and weeks for something that is usually right under your nose. I do hope we get some rain as we really need it.

  12. Such a beautiful stack of quilts! I am envious of those that will be in your class next week.
    I misplace seam rippers. They are there and then they are gone. I lost and find them over and over again. I;m beginning to think that one can never have too many seam rippers.
    I'm glad you will now have 2 of these feet for your machine.

  13. And just think - when you finally find that missing foot - you'll have a spare for the next time this happens!!!

  14. Or maybe it will show up after the new one does...LOL.

  15. Yummm....looking forward to your program !!
    Always new inspirations..

  16. Mary Ann Hulon said she was going to try and be there Monday. Envy her a bit. Martha from Minnesota. I will be visiting down there soon though.

  17. I guess the vote is in--the old foot will peek out from where it's hiding as soon as the new one appears--it wanted a friend (LOL). Series quilts sounds like a really fascinating way to work....Julierose

  18. I really enjoy your blog and follow regularly. Once you get your new foot, please show us a pic of it -I need to know what has captured your heart so - maybe we all need one! Joyce in BC Canada

  19. Your audience at the guild meeting is so lucky to see your gorgeous quilts! I can only begin to imagine the amount of work this must be!

  20. I agree with everyone else, now that you have ordered the foot you'll find the other one......but if you hadn't it would never show up! I would love to see your presentation or take one of your classes sometime!

  21. I am betting that once the new foot comes in, the old one will show up! that's what usually happens to me. Mary Ann

  22. No, it will show up just as soon as you receive your new one!!
    I wish I lived closer to you, I would take some Hostas...... love reading your blog, you get so much accomplished.

  23. I'm sure it will be well worth it for them, but Iknow what you mean. Even just teaching classes, it takes time and money to make they models, and the pieces and parts to show during class.

  24. Your quilts look wonderful all in a pile there together.
    Like the others before me, I think if anything can help find the lost foot it will be the arrival of the new one.

  25. What a delicious-looking pile of yumminess you have there! I'd love to see your presentation. Have fun!

  26. A friend of mine just had a quilt exhibit at our Central Library. She said she had never worked so hard as she did getting everything ready to hang and documented.

  27. HaHa ,Yes Wanda, I am doing a 15 minute demo tonight for my guild and it's taken me days of research, making samples, prepareing a handout and making sure I do not forget to pack a essential thing like the walking foot for the sewing machine. No one realizes that it takes so long to prep. Or maybe they do realize and that is why there is only 3 of us that agreed to help with the planned evening?? nina in BC Canada


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