
Friday, April 13, 2012

Cutting and cobblestones....

One of the kits I am cutting for my colorwash class is African fabrics.  I saw a colorwash made with African fabrics in a catalog a few years ago and I have been meaning to do one for a long time.  I am a little over half done with the cutting now.
After digging, dividing, and potting more hostas I needed some mindless sewing.  I am making these with the new fabrics that I cut for the batik kits for my class.  It is more fun with a fresh batch of fabrics.


  1. still no luck finding the clear foot?

    I think the color wash with the African fabrics will be interesting.

  2. Cutting again. I need to do the same today. Been doing yuard work also. Chris

  3. Looking forward to seeing the African color wash! You just know how much I love African fabrics, this should be a fabulous quilt!!

  4. I can't wait to see how your colorwash comes out, love those wonky cobblestones.

  5. Hi Wanda. Can't wait to see the African color wash - mine were so pastel I can't quite imagine the darker colors. Do your cobblestone blocks have a pattern - a specific size? I'm thinking of doing one with some scraps, but not sure how to start.

  6. Love the African fabrics! Can't wait to see a colour wash done with those. Your cobblestones are always gorgeous!

  7. Love the yummy cobblestones made with your fresh batch of batiks :D

  8. I'm sure the African colorwash will be fascinating - can't wait to see how it turns out!

  9. I always enjoy your cobblestone blocks! Hope you find your foot for your sewing machine.

  10. I also want to see the African fabric colorwash piece after it is assembled. You know I am another one who loves those African Dutch wax prints.

  11. Oh yes, these fabrics are sooo inspiring!

    I have '2' hostas. This will be their 3rd spring and they are still a little bit 'ween-ee'. They are on the North side of the house but I think last years drought just about did them in. I kept them watered but I think the wind and the heat stunted their development. They have come up and are now about 4 inches tall.....I am hopeful.....

  12. Those colors look interesting! It will be fun to see how they work up in this quilt.

  13. I'm always so intrigued by the African fabrics so am really looking forward to seeing how your colourwash quilt develops!

  14. I've long subscribed to the idea that value trumps nearly everything else, including color and pattern, and I am floored by how distinctive those African prints look in a color wash arrangement.

    I never would have thought to do it. Another brilliancy by Wanda!


  15. Sort of like coloring with a new box of crayons? LOL

  16. Hi Wanda,
    I probably should be digging and moving hostas, too, but haven't started yet.
    Love those African fabrics and can't imagine how gorgeous that's going to look!
    Also, cobblestones are looking great. Are some of those light batiks translucent, or is that just a mirage?
    Vicky F


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