
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

New fabric, more searching.......

I had a fun day yesterday, getting out of the house and being with friends.  I didn't even have to drive and that was a treat.  At the fabric store I found 2 of the new Hoffman batiks and I found a couple other fabrics on sale too. 
Last night I continued my search for the clear plastic presser foot that flew across the room.  No luck yet.  I have pretty much checked the whole room so today I'll get out the tall step stool and check the top of the ceiling fan (do you think I should have my little vacuum cleaner with me when I go up there?) and the top of 3 seven foot tall bookcases.  If the foot flew behind any one of them, I'll won't find it because they are loaded with fabric and couldn't be moved unless I unloaded them.  I don't have time to do that right now because I have to get ready for my guild program next Monday night and 2 workshops that I will be teaching next week.  What I did find was my package of hand sewing needles, the ones I use for bindings and my basting needles.  I have been looking for them for about 3 months so there is some good coming out of this search.


  1. You are a busy lady! I sure hope you find that 'foot' you've lost! That would be frustrating~ ♥♥♥

  2. Congratulations on finding your needles! I use that brand, Richard Hemmings, for hand embroidery. The size 4 is great for size 8 threads.

  3. I'm glad you had a fun day out! How annoying to have to keep searching for your foot I wish you good luck.

  4. I looked for two sets of small screw drivers and I found them after 6 months. It will show up. Chris

  5. Patience ! ! !
    Cripes ! ! ! I hate when things like this happen.


  6. Maybe they should make those feet in a flourescent orange or green color instead!!! Grrrr.

  7. Very pretty batiks. If you buy another foot, you're sure to find it. ☺


  8. That is some beautiful fabric. Is it calling you to play?

  9. It is always disturbing not to be able to find something that is probably in plain sight. It will show up when you are least likely to expect it and after the search is completed. I hope you find it soon. I love the batiks you purchased.

  10. My husband says to call it. Here, foot, here foot. He swears it works!

  11. Glad you found something! lol that foot will appear eventually! Probably somewhere obvious!

  12. you know - that's always the trick. Stop looking for the presser foot and start looking for the remote, or for a missing sock - and sure enough the presser foot will show up!!


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