
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ready to sew....

This is the photo from Monday on the left and then one I took yesterday afternoon when I decided it is ready to sew.  I smoothed out the light center and then removed one row on the right side and reconfigured the remaining last row.  It was 20 rows tall and 21 rows wide and I wanted this one to be square.  I also worked over the area just below the light area where it is light blue and pink.  I decided it is ready to sew and then I changed 2 more pieces last night but didn't take another photo.
On the way to the backyard I pass the weigela bushes.  This deep pink one is just starting to bloom.
The bush with pale pink blossoms isn't as full of buds but it will be in full bloom in a few days too.  My red one blooms later.
The striped Jack in the Pulpit is shorter than normal but starting to bloom.  I had the camera almost at ground level to get this shot.
I haven't mentioned my 98 yr. old dad lately so here is what is going on.  He fell twice in the bathroom 2 weeks ago.  The first time he just hit his hand but didn't get hurt otherwise.  The second time he scraped the top of his head and bumped his hand again and it swelled up but he said it didn't hurt.  Then Monday morning they called and said he had a restless night and they thought he had a TIA at the breakfast table.  When I visited him yesterday he knew who I was but he was rambling about all kinds of things and rhyming, toes and nose, and all kinds of other things.  He usually bounces back so it is a wait and see thing all the time.  There are only 2 other residents at the assisted living house right now so he gets a lot of attention.


  1. The light area of the left picture looks pixilated. The last does look much smoother.

    As long as your dad is comfortable, I know you rest easier. Been thinking about you.

  2. The quilt looks fabulous as do all your blooms. That is great that your Dad is getting the attention that he needs. Wishing all goes well this week.

  3. Keeping your dad (and you) in my prayers! (The quilts are beautiful!)

  4. Subtle changes on the quilt made a wonderful impact! You have an eye for color! Flowers are beautiful too! Prayers for you and your dad!

  5. Sorry to hear about your Dad's fall. The colorwash looks really great. Chris

  6. I do so hope your dad's injuries heal quickly. I'm relieved he's in a situation where he gets lots of attention. The quilt top is beautiful.

  7. sorry about your dad, glad he is getting a lot of attention.

  8. Your quilt just glows now. Even I can see the difference.

    *sending you an email*

  9. Your quilt looks wonderful. It's amazing that a few small changes can make such a difference. I hope you Dad will be doing better.

  10. Hope that your Dad will bounce back and feel better soon; your quilt looks even better--and I didn't see how it could have! Super work. Julierose

  11. I smiled when you said you changed 2 more pieces. That's the most fun thing about colorwash quilts- it's like painting with fabric. I'm going to bring out my 2 remaining pieces and see if I can't finish them - you're inspiring me.

  12. It is so gorgeous and I love it! Thanks for showing the before and after. You keep inspiring us.

  13. Thinking of you and hoping your dad recovers from this incident. Take care.

  14. You're Dad really amazes me with his ability to bounce back. He sounds like he's a happy spirit. His rhyming gives off a sense of joy.

    Pretty flowers - neat Jack in the Pulpit bloom and of course, let us not overlook the amazing colorwash. Wow!!!

  15. Sorry to hear about your dad. My dad is also 98 and is doing well now although in January he was hospitalized with pnuemonia and a UTI. At this age, every day of OK is a blessing. I hope your father recovers quickly and is in no pain! Best wishes to you as well-it is difficult to watch our loved ones become more frail!!!

    Your watercolor quilt is lovely!

  16. Hugs and prayers for you, your dad, and his caregivers . . .

  17. Hi Wanda, Prayers for your Dad (and you).
    Love the Jack In The Pulpit photo. jmh

  18. Sorry to hear about your dad's fall and the after effects. That's all tough stuff, for all involved. My thoughts are with you.

  19. Wow, your piece is beautiful! It is as if a light glows from within.
    I'm sorry to hear about your dad. It's good that he is in a place that gives him good care though.

  20. I love this new colorwash! I'd be thrilled if I could do one like the first, but the second truly is better. You are amazing, it just just glows!

    Those are more plants that don't grow here, but they sure are pretty. My sister sent me one, but it was NOT happy here.

    I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. Getting old is not for sissies, as Bette Davis said. What a blessing that he is in a place where they take good care of him.

  21. LOve the quilt! Sorry to hear about your dad. Hope everything goes well for him!

  22. I love the quilt. It is going to be a beautiful one.

    Sorry to hear about your Dad. It is nice that he has all the attention in the home he is in. It makes it easier on him. Wow, 98, how wonderful to have him in your life all these years. I was 22 when I lost my Dad and even though it is 45 years ago I have not forgotten much. I was a Daddy's girl and I miss him every day. At least your Dad is comfortable and you are close by and in a good nursing home.


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