
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

New foot, oops clip, amaryllis....

I'll start with my oops of the day.  I was still tired from last week, went to church sewing circle in the afternoon and then decided to do some bindings on mug rugs while I watched TV.  I was happy to find I had three ready to bind that could use the same purple binding. I said I was tired.  I was clipping a thread in this corner and clipped the tiniest little hole in the binding fabric (the little dark spot near the miter).  I won't be able to sell that one now so I'll use it as a gift for someone who understands a little oops now and then.
Here is my new clear plastic quarter inch foot for my Pfaff to replace the one that flew into a still undiscovered place in my studio.  This little diagram didn't come with the first one I got and I was pleased to see the 1/8" and 3/8" parts to the foot too.  I didn't know the back part of the foot was 3/8" wide.  I suspected the inside of the toe was 1/8" and now I know it is.
The amaryllis has shot up; even the second stalk is growing.  I wonder what color this one will be as I had bulbs for many different colors over the years.
Here is another group of Jack in the Pulpits.  They are in three places in the backyard and don't seem to mind the sun.  They were always in the shade before the trees were cut down.
The group of striped Jack in the Pulpit is shooting up, about a foot tall now, but the flowers haven't unfolded yet.  Even though we have had a lot of sunshine, the temperatures have been cool, with close to a frost again 2 nights ago.  The forecast has scattered showers for today and tomorrow so I hope we get some of it.


  1. On the part of the binding you clipped, just put a little fray check there so that the hole doesn't get any larger. I am sure it will make a nice gift!! Unbelievable your flowers and foliage are up so much, beautiful!

  2. everything is looking so beautiful, I am wondering if your plants will be bigger with more sunshine this year, you will soon find out!
    Pretty mug rugs!

  3. I've always had the feeling that the parts of my walking foot have those different measurements too. Looks like I should just bite the bullet and do the measuring.

    When you find the other foot you can send it to me now. :)

  4. Glad you got the new foot. The metal one for the Pfaff has the same shape so now I know the dimensions. Mine was an after purchase. I have clipped threads and I end up with blood so be thankful there. Chris

  5. Thanks for showing the diagram of your new 1/4" foot. I've had the same foot for years for my Pfaff and I love it. Good to know that the outside is 3/8". It will be interesting to see how your plants will do with the sunshine this year when they were formally in the shade.

  6. I have a Pfaff, but I have never seen that foot. Does it have a number so that I could find one for myself? I use a foot that I modified. The foot is metal and had some plastic on it. I broke the plastic off so I would have better visabilty. I couldn't see thru the plastic so I made an open toe foot and I use it for my piecing.

  7. I hate the ooops! But I'm sure you or someone will love it. I love the scrappiness of them! And I love purple~ ♥♥♥

  8. I love your mug rugs, and if I'd been the buyer I wouldn't have minded that tiny little opps - if I'd noticed it!

    I'm glad you're "back on your foot" with the new purchase, LOL. Now you'll be able to find the old foot... I suspect it just wanted a new friend to play with!

  9. Beautiful blocks! I had not thought about why these feet have some many parts and look odd. I'm going to take a longer look at mine! Thanks for the tip.

  10. Buttons are great cover ups for tiny holes, or ink stains, etc.

  11. I've done that kind of oops before--so annoying. Those mug rugs are beautiful!

  12. christijowinter933@yahoo.comApril 24, 2012 at 9:03 AM

    Wanda, I would take an "oops" from you any day of the week! You could always applique a little something-or-other over the hole. I've done that more than once (because I've made that mistake more than once!).

  13. Congrats on getting your new, replacement foot. It's amazing how dependent we become on those little feet. I could not live without my quarter inch foot. Love the mug rugs...they are great colors. We all have oops now and then, don't we? I think it's the "oops" that make life fun and creative.

  14. Glad the new foot has arrived - happy stitching with it!

    Looking closely at your mug rug photo today convinced me about how I need to quilt an oversize "mug rug" runner that is waiting on my design wall.

    Thanks for sharing what you do! (even the oops)

  15. Oops-ey--I hear you loud and clear....been there, too. How about one of those little, cute roses from the sewing store-premade just tacked on or a little "loop" like apotholder? It is simply they all are....Julierose My iris are finally budded and coming up--after our rainy day--Yay!!

  16. Oops or not, they are all gorgeous.

    How nice to have the measurements on the new foot. Of course you know you will now find the old one!!

  17. Love your little mug rugs. Your Jack in the Pulpits are way ahead of mine. And your amaryllis looks great!

  18. Your mug rugs are so beautiful! I'm sure the recipient of the oops one will be thrilled to have it, oops or not!

  19. Great mug rugs and I can't see a thing wrong with it so I'm sure some other lucky friend will be thrilled. I was at quilt retreat recently and took the bag I got from you and got many compliments! I never knew that about the foot as I have the same one. Good to know:)

  20. Love your mug rugs. I am really trying to make smaller quilts but find they tend to grow if I don't watch them. We, too, had much cooler temps earlier this week, down to 39 one night. Crazy weather.

  21. I have gotten behind in reading your blog so I will make comments on the last few that I have read. Wow, you have been busy in the last few days. I wonder how long before you find your old foot now that you have the new one. LOL I love the jack in the pulpit. They are such neat flowers and sometimes so easy to miss. I love, love this time of the year. My second set of lilacs are starting to bloom. Sorry about the "oops", it seems we all make that type of oops at one time or other. Where is the new quilt store opening up? What town? I always love to wander through a new shop. I am hoping to get out to your area soon,. I am looking for Christmas fabric to use as borders on the quilt I am working on. I hate to order fabric on-line as the color is always not true. So I am waiting for shops to start getting in their Christmas fabrics. If not, will choose a batik possibly. I hope the rain is over for a few days and back to a sunny one. I don't mind the cool days when the sun is shining brightly.


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