
Monday, April 23, 2012

Colorwash progress.....

I'm starting out with the last picture on Saturday's post so you can see what I changed, or maybe you won't be able to detect the changes.  Mostly it is in the light area.
I tried to make the light area a little smoother.
I continued to work on it since I had a load of laundry in the washer to take care of.
I have all of the holes filled in and have just a couple places that I need to change a piece.  I'll work on it after I get home from church sewing circle this afternoon.


  1. It does look lovely. I guess my eye isn't good at this, I could not easily spot your changes.

  2. I love it! Thank you for showing pictures of your progress. It looks like a puzzle and a Monet painting at the same time. It's Wondaful :D

  3. its looking great. All those little pieces. Great job.

  4. its looking great. All those little pieces. Great job.

  5. I could not see anything wrong with the light center until you wanted to make it look "a little smoother" and I was so pleased to see that I could see what you did.☺

    Your color washes are always awesome.


  6. Thank you for showing us how you are changing and rearranging! I will be studying the photos more closely so I can learn to see the 'smoothing' process. I sure do appreciate your talent and creativity!

  7. I love it, and you make it look so easy. You inspired me to put some of my leftover 2 1/2" batik squares up on the design wall last night just to play around. Oh, boy, mine looks nothing like yours! LOL

  8. The change is so much more even...the colors flow so nicely, one to the other...Julierose

  9. You are making me itch to make one of these....


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