
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Class photos......

Today I'll just share the fabric combinations that everyone brought to class yesterday.  I am worn out after this busy week and didn't even finish answering comments yesterday.
My niece's squares before stacking and slashing.....
Here are 3 sets out of 5 after slashing and sewing back together.
I had my camera with me when we laid out all of these blocks and then I forgot to take the picture while we were talking.
This lady dyed all of her fabrics.  She is going to be opening a quilt shop about 10 miles from here in a few months.  This was her first quilt class and about her third quilt. She is an accomplished seamstress as in clothing sewing, something most of us have given up as we got into quilting.
I hope the tilt on this photo doesn't make you seasick.  This one is all batiks.
Another star student who finished her top in class.  She has a border fabric in mind that sounds perfect.
The camera liked the yellows in this quilt but they aren't quite that predominant in person.  This is an example of low contrast vs. the high contrast in the one above.  This pattern works well with most combinations of fabrics.
It has been a busy week and I'm dragging but I hope to work on my colorwash a little today.  I'll try to document the changes I make and show them tomorrow.


  1. Being tired when you have such success with a class is the reward that you get to have. The class was a success and you should be happy. Which I know you are. Hope you slept well. Chris

  2. What fun to see how that looks in so many different types of fabrics! I hope you can relax and rest a bit today.

  3. That was fun! So many possibilities. Where will the new shop be located and what will it be called so we can look for it?

  4. All of your students did an amazing job! I love that pattern. Is it your own? When I think of 'stack and slash' I think of an entirely different block. I must try this one. It seems similar to the DNP.

  5. Love seeing all the different combos!! All unique, but equally interesting. A fun quilt, they got so much accomplished too!

  6. I'll bet you are tired!!! Their works are gorgeous. I like that stack and slash design.

  7. I hope you're getting some rest today. It's interesting to see it in all the color combinations. Does that pattern have a name?

  8. LOve all the different color combos.

  9. Can't tell you how many fabrics I recognized from projects/stash!!! Great job ladies...

  10. I'm very intrigued by this pattern, I love the technique and have made a lot of split 9 patches. Is this someone's design or can you give me the dimensions of the fabric and cuts.

  11. Your photo's look like you got through to every student with learning color and combinations. All are so well done.

    Now the last one is absolutely full of "Exuberant Color" for sure. It is OMG ~ WOW ! LOVE it !


  12. I love your neices combo and the batiks, all these are so unique. Your colorwash class looks amazing!

  13. what wonderful quilt tops.
    and how different they look due to different fabric. great.

  14. A group of very talented ladies. Great quilt tops! Most excellent teacher :D

  15. How very interesting it is to me to see the different fabric combinations your students chose. I think that is my very favorite thing about quilting - that we can each interpret our quilt in a way that pleases our eye.

  16. I'm tellin' you, this is a crazy wonderful design!! All the various fabrics make them soooo different!

    I know, you MUST be pooped, but I hope you made some extra 'moo-la'!!


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