
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Out of season.....

I was walking through my garage and noticed one of my amaryllis bulbs has 2 buds!  I put them in a closed box in late Oct. in my 50 degree garage and didn't take them out until Feb. but I never brought them in from the garage so they didn't get as much light as they needed.  Several of the bulbs have leaves so I just figured none would bloom.  I hope this isn't just a tease and that it will really bloom.


  1. Our amaryllis bloomed, quite unexpectedly, about three weeks ago. A nice surprise!

  2. Oh! What a wonderful surprise! Just give it lots of light and water and I am sure it won't let you down.

  3. Oh Yes it will bloom. My DD2 had an Amaryllis that was only a big stem and it had the most beautiful big flower on it for ages.

  4. My flower was all ready to bloom and then we get the rains. The snails ate the whole thing. I may have to dig it up and bring it inside next year.

  5. Oh, I hope it blooms for you -- how pretty that will be!

  6. Amaryllis are such beautiful flowers. I have several different varieties around the yard. Oddly enough, they did not bloom as well this year with abundant rain as they did last year with very little.

  7. I too forgot about my amaryllis bulbs in the garage until about 3 weeks ago and now I have to most beautiful flowers. Yours looks like it might have two flower stems.


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