
Thursday, April 19, 2012

A nature walk.....

Most of the day yesterday was spent on errands and finalizing prep for my colorwash class today.  Early in the evening I went out with my camera to see what was blooming.  The Columbine is almost ready to bloom.  It is next to a Weigela bush that is also full of buds ready to burst open.
This is my oldest Cranesbill plant.  It is pretty small this year but still able to bloom.  Maybe I need to pull the creeping Charlie and wild strawberry out and give it some room.
The first Jack in the Pulpit is up.  The brown striped ones are slow this year and have just peeked out of the ground.
I finally got a photo of a crow.  They are bobbing up and down so fast it is hard to get a clear shot of one.  He has a seed in the end of his beak.
This Cranesbill is a taller variety.

I love the complexity of the flower centers.


  1. The crow photo is excellent! So many green textures and even a tiny touch of purple (is that a violet?) in the lower left quarter.

    You are a woman of many talents . . .

  2. Thanks for your tour of your garden today. Makes me jealous that you have so much in bloom.

    Plus your amaryllis in your garage ! Fun to see a surprise like that..

    And your froggy fabrics are so cute and so unusual.


  3. I love your blog, Wanda; no distracting advertising running down the sides, comments on a separate page, just a wealth of information and beautiful photos.


  4. Enjoyed the tour! Lots bursting at the seams in my yard too. Goober dog and I take a tour around in the morning and another tour around in the early evening. I love spring, the leaves are sooo lime greenish as they come out!

    Oh how I would love to have a Jack in the Pulpit!

  5. What a lovely nature walk! It was nice to see a picture of a crow -- I know that may sound odd, but we haven't seen crows here in years. There was some virus that really wreaked havoc on them.

  6. Your garden is looking wonderful. I have tried to get Colombine to grow here but they never get big. I think I need to use a little fertilizer on them. Thanks for the nature walk today.

  7. Wonderful pictures, and especially enjoyable since those particular flowers are not happy in our heat and humidity. And yes, the infinite variety and detail of flowers is a never ending source of enjoyment to me as well. I love them!

  8. Hi Wanda, I've been waiting for The Jack in The Pulpit!!


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