
Friday, April 20, 2012

Colorwash class....

Yesterday I taught a class on colorwash.  I'm going to show you my friend Sarah's progress on her piece throughout the day.  I think it looks great!  It is an intense class, a project a lot harder than it looks but so satisfying when done.  Now I have to switch gears and get ready for the Stack and Slash workshop for the guild tomorrow.


  1. Absolutely lovelY!!! It's just gorgeous...really can't find the words to say how much I like it!! Joan

  2. Fantastic! I've always wanted to do one of these.

  3. Sarah's quilt will be fabulous!! Love to see progress photos! Can't wait to see photos from your Stack and Slash class.

  4. What a beautiful colorwash! Fantastic job, Sarah!

  5. Wonderful....she did so goooood! Great teacher to guide her, I think. You are so right about this technique being harder than it looks...very intense. Hope you can show finished photo when she completes it. Great job.

  6. Great job - I am still very partial to colorwash quilts - they are beautiful.

  7. I love colorwash quilts. I've never made or even attempted to make one, but I like to look at what others put together.

  8. I'm trying to figure out how many unique fabrics would be needed to make something like this. 36*44=1584. at least some of them are used 3 times, so 1584/3... at least 500! that's a lotta variety! I love this quilt!

  9. Thanks for sharing the progress photos -- makes the end result all that more impressive and enjoyable.

  10. Very pretty...Sold all my color wash fabrics because I figured I would never get around to making one of these.....what was I thinking??????

  11. A picture is worth a thousand words. Thank you for this great photo tutorial! Your friend did a beautiful job with this.

  12. I've done several colorwash quilts, but they eat your life because you just want to keep moving things around to find a slightly different effect....

  13. Sarah's quilt is going to be quite lovely when it's finished. She definitely has a good eye for this type of quilt. I just love colorwash quilts and know that, especially this type where every square is cut separately, they take a lot of work.

  14. The quilt looks great and you are right, it is much harder than it looks. Do you have any hints on getting started?

  15. I would love to take that class. Wow.

  16. She has a excellent eye ... almost as good as her teacher. I would never even attempt such an "intense" project. But it is gorgeous to look at.


  17. Call me crazy, but I love the way it looks in the first two photos. Piece it into some dark grey for a modern version of the colourwash?

  18. Wow -- she did fabulously! I love colourwash quilts, although I've never tried one. Sarah clearly has a good eye!

  19. That is going to be a gorgeous piece. Matter of fact, it already is. And you manage to make it look so easy. I know your students had a good time and learned a lot.

  20. Wow! Tell your friend she dun good!
    I first looked at this on my phone, and from that perspective I got a name for this: Nebula. It looks very much like the photos of outer space on NASA's Astronomy Photo of the Day site (

    Vicky F

  21. Wonderful to see her progress. It is going to be a very beautiful quilt. The fun is in the designing. Can't wait to see the finished quilt. You must be a marvelous teacher and she is an A student I would think. Oh, I need a cutting machine so I can make a quilt like that too. LOL Enjoy this cool but sunny day.

  22. Very beautiful! I like the way she has spread her center out.


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