
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

More frogs......

I didn't do any sewing yesterday to show so instead I'll show you the frog prints that didn't make the cut into the latest Stack and Slash quilt.  I sold more than half of my frog prints last year.  I may have kept a small amount of some of them in case I wanted to do another I Spy quilt. 
I have enough of this one for the back of the quilt.  The selvage says it is an Alexander Henry print from 1996 named "Mr. Toad gets dressed".  Now I think it looks a lot more like a frog than a toad.
The program went well last night.  I spent about an hour putting away all of the quilts while I watched "Castle".


  1. I am thinking that I need to get out my stack and slash pattern, it will make a great college quilt for my daughter to take with her. Love the frog prints. So glad to hear that your program went well!!

  2. Love the frog fabrics that made and didn't make it into your quilt :D
    I look forward to watching you frog quilt grow.
    I'm glad your class went well.

  3. Did you know that all toads are frogs, but not all frogs are toads?
    I agree with you, that is a frog not a toad...toads are generally short bodied and stubby.

  4. I don't know how I missed that Mr. Toad fabric way back when. I love it! Lucky you to have it.

  5. I just love the frogs! Once I made a baby quilt with frogs. I'm glad your program went well.
    Now, you still have your class?

  6. Even though they are not Toads i like the fabric....

  7. Glad to hear your program went well. Your frog fabric collection is great! Who knew there had been so many different frog fabrics out there in the world!

  8. So many cute frogs. I love Alexander Henry prints, always so unusual, yet gorgeous.

    I love Castle as well, though wish they would get the romantic thing figured out. lol

  9. I just love Mr. Toad gets dressed! Isn't it wonderful to have a stash that goes way back!

  10. Hi Wanda, Wonderful program last nite. You always
    inspire!! Thanks for sharing your amazing talent!!jmh

  11. Hi Wanda, Wonderful program last nite. You always
    inspire!! Thanks for sharing your amazing talent!!jmh

  12. Love that Alexander Henry Print.!


  13. What a fabulous collection of frog fabrics! I had no idea there were so many frog fabrics to be had!

  14. I had this fabric! (mr Toad gets dressed)In 2001 I made a calendar quilt with a different fabric for each day and I included a piece of this for the day that my son was in the school play "Toad of Toad Hall"

  15. Your collection of frog prints is so fun!

  16. Glad your program went well, I knew it would! Castle was intense, wasn't it??

  17. As a frog lover, I think the fabrics and blocks are fabulous.


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