
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Nature's bounty....

This is my neighbor's peony bush, blooming the first week in April!!
Brunnera (and volunteer Lily of the Valley)
The first Cranesbill (hardy geranium) to bloom.
A closer look at a Cranesbill bloom.  They are delicate and magnificent.
Happy Easter everyone! 


  1. Happy Easter , Wanda. Enjoy your holiday.

  2. Happy Easter. Have a wonderful day.

  3. Beautiful post for the holiday - Happy Easter, Wanda!

  4. my peonies aren't doing well, but other people's have been flowering for awhile now - mine are stunted this year and not growing much - they haven't done well though last several years - it might be time to pull them up and start new ones.
    For you all though this is very early indeed!

  5. Happy Easter, Wanda!

    It's been pretty close to freezing here a few nights - are you still safe out there?

  6. Happy Easter, Wanda! Thank you for all that you share with us every day. It's the best way to start my day.

  7. Hi Wanda, HAPPY EASTER to you and the family!

  8. WOW those flowers out so soon. My magnolias are out and the bluebells are starting to come out in the hedgerows alongside the primroses but still.....!!

    Happy Easter. Joan

  9. Happy Easter, Wanda! Love your springy flowers!

  10. Wow, that is incredibly early for peonies! How wonderful to have those beautiful flowers showing up early, though. Hope you had a Happy Easter too.

  11. I hope you had a wonderful Easter. Wow, I can't believe that the peony is blooming. I hope the plants make it through the frost if we have any. Spring has sprung early and I do believe that summer will be here soon with a vengence. I hope, hope, hope we don't have a scorching summer.

  12. Easter photo's are so pretty. Love the finished mug rugs.

    As always when you are 'racing the clock' seems we have to drop everything and find that lost item. Knowing you ... you will find that clear foot... but oh the time it will take away from your creating and sewing.



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