
Monday, April 9, 2012

Binding and flying foot.......

Last night I sewed the binding on 7 more mug rugs and the strangest thing happened.  I was winding a bobbin and my clear plastic 1/4" foot that sits on top of the machine near the bobbin winder went flying across the room.  I guess the thread grabbed it and hurled it.  Since it is very lightweight and clear, I don't know if I'll ever find it.  It had an area about 11' x 13' to get lost in.  I heard it hit something and bounce and didn't hear it land again so I'm guessing it is in a pile or bin of fabric.  I started clearing off the top of the cutting table and I went through the wastebasket.  I love that foot and don't think it is available any more for my Pfaff.  This is going to force me to really deep clean the studio and go through everything.  Oh, joy, just what I wanted to be doing!


  1. Good luck with finding it. I had a special foot fall off in the basket and I didn't realize it until it was long gone. Sometimes and older Agent for your brand of machine will have extra pieces available. Good Luck in locating it. Chris

  2. Try searching in ten dark by shining a flashlight across the area.

  3. Kay has a great idea! You know that it will show up when you aren't looking for it. That always happens to me. I hope you find it. If Pfaff doesn't sell it any more and you can't seem to locate it, you may want to try Ebay. I do love your mug rugs!

  4. Good luck finding it Wanda. I frequently use Kay's idea of the flashlight, especially when the something is "shiny" like the clear plastic foot.
    Turn off or dim the lights and shine it into those bins of fabric.

  5. Oh no! At one of our UFO days one lady managed to throw out her foot with her scraps. We had to empty a large garBage can to find it.
    I hope you find it!

  6. I have an older Pfaff and think I have a 1/4" foot--I will look and let you know--you are welcome to it if I can find it. Julierose

  7. I thought I might have had one, but I don't ; I have a metal snap-on foot that has a small RH foot part and red markings...don't know if that is 1/4" or not....Julierose

  8. What a terrible freak accident. I use that foot all the time and also cannot imagine trying to find it in my sewing room. Good luck--and let us know if/when you find it.

  9. look for the foot on google. some old lady with internet access (hmm: sounds like me) will have a dozen of them in a jar somewhere. when I was looking for parts for my mom's 60-year-old Singer 301, I found all kinds of stuff that way.

  10. This is why you need a Bobbin Winder that is no where near your machine when it's winding.

    OR - why do you keep that foot on top of the machine?????

    Wasn't I helpful?

  11. I hope you find your foot! Maybe with your cleaning you will find something you forgot about so all of this was suppose to happen.

  12. I hope the foot is in the first or second deep clean spot and not the 33rd or 44th!

  13. Too bad it's not the metal 1/4 inch foot because I have a spare one of those!

  14. I feel your pain. Several years ago I lost one that Babylock no longer makes and I was lost for the longest time. Good hunting.

  15. Oh no!! Hope you find it...and maybe find a few other goodies that you had forgotten about while you are looking!

  16. Wow! That must have been quite a surprise. Well, good luck, and maybe you'll even enjoy looking for it once you get started??

  17. I would wait until it's pitch dark down there and start shining a flashlight around to look for a glint of something out of place. Set it on the floor first and move it around parallel to the floor first. I hope you find it!

  18. I agree with the others -- use a flashlight to try to locate it. I hope you find it quickly.
    Your mug rugs are so wonderful I'd hate to put anything on them that might stain them!

  19. I love your colorful, beautiful mug rugs.
    Sometimes I find things months later. So I'm no help. But I'd try that flashlight idea. It's worth a try.

  20. would it help if I made you a prayer flag?/haha

  21. Oh, I hate it when things like that happen! But those are sure some good looking mug rugs. Hope you find it soon.

  22. Hi Wanda,
    I have to say I've never had a foot fly away like that! Hopefully by now you have found it.
    Looks like your garden is getting going nicely (last post). Everything in my garden seems to be 2 to 4 weeks early. So far so good.

  23. Wanda - beautiful mug rugs! What do you do with them all?

  24. beautiful,I like very much,ciao Luisa


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