
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Flying foot, day 2

When I mentioned the clear plastic quarter inch foot that flew across my studio yesterday, you probably envisioned some nice neat piles of fabric that it could have landed on.  Kay had the suggestion to use a flashlight in a darkened room and the foot would shine and I would find it.  Well, here's the reality- the mess on the top of my cutting table and all kinds open shelves and bins under it - lots of hiding places.
Most of the bins and shelves have multiple plastic bags with sorted groups of scraps in them, so the plastic bags were the shine, but no foot.

Any flat surface in the room is covered with piles of strips, etc.  I have cleaned over half of the room so far with no foot in sight.  I have found assorted sizes of dust bunnies......
Now I am wondering whether it flew into one of the openings on the baseboard heaters.  I'll check those today although it could fall farther down inside and not be visible too.
I did find a few things I could throw away, and some things are where they actually belong now. The cutting mat is in clear view now and I can use it.  Here is one of the things I decided I can get rid of - 1/4" wide trimmings, so pretty but not very useful.  They have been on top of my cutting table for at least 3 years.
I went to church sewing circle yesterday, and dug some more hostas and potted them.  The only sewing was 2 more bindings on mug rugs, square this time.


  1. Good Luck. Your room looks like my room does at the moment. I keep a little trash can on top of my cutting table with a bag in it. I put all those little 1/4 strings into it, and use it for stuffing for the kitty beds. I filled 3 bags last year.

  2. I call this "the quilter's dirty little secret" - you had to tell, huh? LOL (sadly I have the same thing.) Good luck finding your foot.

  3. You're right! I totally did not envision your room to be that way. But then again, it doesn't surprise me either, you are so productive that is the way that it should be. Mine is always in a similar state too. I must say though, that you will definitely have a more difficult time trying to find the foot than I originally thought. Crossing my fingers for you.

  4. I sure hope you find your foot. It's a real bummer when you lose a favorite tool, especially one you can't replace. My sewing room is relatively tidy right now, because we had to turn it into a bedroom for Easter. It won't stay in that condition long!

  5. Well, at least now you know an area where it is not at! I dropped a small spool of thread last night and I thought it hit the floor, but I couldn't find it. I looked and looked and finally found it somewhere I wasn't expecting. I will be interested to see where you find the foot.

  6. Yep, looks quite a bit like my sewing room! I decided that I need to clean my room yesterday when I tried to maneuver between some totes and the ironing board and got tangled in the iron cord. Yes, the hot iron toppled off the ironing board and landed sole plate down on the carpet.

  7. ...I feel better knowing that my creative space resembles someone else's creative space!


    Hope you find your foot soon!

  8. LOL, so not how I pictured your room!! Good luck finding that foot! I do hope you do - at least you are getting a little cleaning done while looking? love those mug rugs.

  9. Thanks for posting those pics. I was beginning to think I was the only blogger with a messy sewing space.

    I moved the sewing into a really large bedroom thinking that would give me enough room to avoid messes. Didn't work. My new idea is to use up some of the stash so that I have empty shelves for the works in progress that I don't want to have out of sight (cuz of the out of sight/out of mind problem. I'm hoping that will help!

    Good luck on finding the foot. Things like that turn up eventually at least 90% of the time for me.

  10. What I really fear is that one day you're gonna step on it and look down to see it smashed under *your* foot.
    It's like a "Where's Waldo?" game right now tho.

  11. Just buy a new one from Amazon and get back to creating.

  12. How annoying is it when something fairly small not only holds up what you are doing but you have to spend...days? looking for it!

    Really love those abstract mug holders! Joan

  13. I happy to see my room resembles yours.
    I need to dig hostas also, seems they grow an inch or more a day. Soon it will be too late.

  14. Thanks for the dose of reality, Wanda. I am sorry you're missing you're foot but the view of you're world is a treasure. It's real.

  15. I'll bet you find it when you stop looking for it. :) Isn't that the way it usually works? I'm so glad to see your room....makes me feel so much better about mine. I can never get it clean and keep it clean...lasts about 5 minutes. There's usually only one space at a time that's clean. I guess we're all alike (in a very good way).

  16. My sewing space looks a lot like that a lot of the time, but I really have to clean it up pretty quickly or I couldn't even get into my small sewing room. And yes, you'll probably find your foot about as soon as you order a new one. LOL

  17. Come on you guys, I'd hardly call that a mess even if it is a creative one. It's a workroom. What else would you expect? Good luck Wanda.

  18. Come on you guys, I'd hardly call that a mess even if it is a creative one. It's a workroom. What else would you expect? Good luck Wanda.

  19. I love the crazy pieced mug rugs. What a great way to use up scraps!

    p.s. I pictured you as very organized! I read with interest the recent links for articles on organization - I am really lacking in this department and need to do something about it. The articles were helpful. It's no fun when you can't find an item you need (whatever it is that I need at the moment, I mostly have trouble finding it!)

  20. Have you thrown away the 1/4 strings yet? We've got a project in our book that uses them...

  21. You mean I'm not the only one that's happened to? In my case, I was done free motion quilting and in the process of putting my regular foot back on when my two youngest ran screaming through the kitchen, followed by their older sister (my quilting has taken over the dining room). My quarter inch foot went flying out of my hands...and like you, there were a lot of boxes and piles of fabric it could have landed on.

    And the shank was attatched to it, so I couldn't sew at all until I found it. I was NOT a happy mom.

    Mine turned up behind the fridge.

  22. Your quarter inch trimmings are so pretty... couldn't they be used to fill a package you are sending out? My kids and grands all live far away, so I use the funnies to fill packages. I'm thinking my trimmings may be used for packages.

  23. I love your honesty....I live the same way and the only time I find things is when I give up...then there they are.


  24. Now THAT looks more like my cutting area!!!!!! Hope you find it soon.

  25. What a fabulously creative environment you have!! That foot will turn up whe you either find a replacement or stop looking for it. I know you said it was an older Pfaff foot -- have you tried on eBay to see if you can find one?

  26. I hope you find it! Too many squishy places for it to hide. Sewing piles are different than normal piles...they are inspiration in action!

  27. Sorry about the 'foot' but I had to laugh...years ago I borrowed a ring from my mother and it was too big so I wrapped tape around it. I went to the dance, came home and went to bed. When I got up the ring was gone! I checked all thru the bed but never found it. YEARS later when I was moving out I was tossing all my old shoes away and there it WAS. Evidently, it had come off when I took my shoes off! These things always turn up! Good luck!

  28. Lovely mug rugs. I hate it when I can't find a favorite tool. Hope you find your 1/4" foot!

  29. When one of my sons was young he dropped a fav toy into the open freezer at supermarket. It was a spaceman a little bit bigger than a lego man. It when thru the grates at the bottom so we couldn't get it back. About a year later when they redesigned the floor layout and moved the freezers the staff found our spaceman and he was waiting at the checkout for us. So don't give up :-)

  30. A few weeks back I lost my reading glasses. I looked everywhere including the garbage. It took me 2 1/2 weeks before I found them under the sofa. I have a slipcover on the sofa and it was under the skirt. Naturally I had already went out and bought a new pair of glasses. Good luck looking.

  31. Get a cat. Let it play in the basement. When it starts batting around something invisible, there's your foot, lol!

  32. Whups, forgot to sign. That was me, the blogger formerly known as "Frebblebit", that suggested the cat get your foot.


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