
Saturday, April 7, 2012

binding, cacti, and a link......

I put the same binding fabric on all of the colorwash mug rugs.  Since they are so floral already, what is one more floral and leaf fabric.
All 5 of the remaining buds have opened for one grand finale on the Christmas cactus.
I know a lot of my readers think I have a lot of fabric (that is one small portion in this photo), and some think I am very organized, but I want to introduce you to Teresa at Fabric Therapy who has me beat in organization for sure.  I'm guessing she might have me beat in quantity of stash also.  Follow this link and this link for posts that show her stash and how she organizes it.  I think you will be as amazed as I am.  I can only hope to be that organized.


  1. Oh, my.

    Looking at that hyper-organized stash makes me want to go into my stash, pull fabrics out willy nilly, and fling them all over the room, lol!


  2. You "think" she might have more fabric than you? Holy cow! When I saw Teresa's post a year or so ago, I sent links to everyone because of her incredible organization and the amount of fabric. If you are close to that, I don't know how you get anything done. I'd be happy to just play and touch and dream....

    You continue to amaze me! Jan

  3. Wanda, So many people are more organized than me. You are at the top of the list. This link you sent with your post is over the top. I am ashamed to think I can't do better. I guess we all need to work at it. Your flowers are a nice bit of color along with the mug rugs. Have a Happy Easter. Chris

  4. When I first saw Teresa's organized stash a year ago I was blown away that someone could have so much. After that I was totally in awe at how organized it was and I still am!

  5. Love the mug rugs....they look wonderful. If I spent that much time being organized, would I get anything finished? LOL, probably not because I would never find what I was looking for. Very much in awe of the stash volume!

  6. Your mug rugs are lovely! And your cactus is beautiful - amazing that such a small plant can have so many big and colourful blooms on it! Thanks for the link to Theresa's blog. It was really interesting to read about her system for organizing her stash (which is incredible in itself).

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you for those two links. I am reading now, but I will be ordering the book and working in my sewing room later. You have just given me an amazing gift. Karmen

  8. Okay....that IS organization. It seems like all of the time would be spent organizing and no fun sewing.

  9. Oh my............!!

  10. I am so happy to know that Theresa has me beat by a mile. I admire her stash but that amount of fabric would overwhelm me. Her organization skills are amazing!

  11. Mug Rugs, Cactus blossoms, and your purple and reds all make very pretty photo's for your Saturday post.

    Now those were amazing links to see ! Organization Supreme that is for sure. But I like your organization just as well. Yours makes me feel like I could be as organized as you are. Even though it is all just plain wishing.


  12. Thanks for sharing those links. Theresa is simply amazing. I wish my sewing room/studio was that organized but I just don't know if I want to take the time to get it that way. That must have taken quite a bit of TIME to get it that way!

  13. I have been eyeing her organizational skills with awe for some time now (since I first saw her on Stash Manicure). My sewing room is very small so I have to stay pretty organized. BUT, I fall very far short of her level of expertise.

  14. I love the mug rugs. Your Christmas Cactus apparently doesn't know that it is Easter. LOL OMG, organized for sure. I also think she has me beat on fabric also. Instead of a new Easter Bonnet this year, I have made myself a new purse. Happy Easter!!

  15. Wanda: Thanks for sharing those links. I hauled my DH in here to see the photos of Theresa's stash, so he knows I'm not out of control (yet).


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