
Thursday, March 29, 2012


As I cleaned out the area by the boiler to provide access for next week's installation, I decided I needed to document the boiler that came with the 1953 house that I live in.  Maybe no one else will care, but I do.  I did a search on the company and found out they merged with another company in 1955 and then were sold or traded a few more times over the years.  I'm wondering now if I can get this piece off the door it is mounted on and keep it.  You know, one more thing for my kids to throw away when they clean out my house some day.
I quilted most of the day yesterday on the cobblestone cross quilt and believe that I am about 3/4 done now.  I may skip quilting today and do something else for variety.  I think cutting sounds like fun right now.


  1. I would keep that piece from your boiler too. It's a bit of history. Enjoy your day.

  2. History is fabulous! I love your idea and who knows, your kids may too. Have fun today, variety is the spice of life!

  3. I think you can get that off. You may have to cut off the corners to get it away from the brads. Hmm..maybe use a hacksaw and just trim off all four corners.

  4. Have the installers take it off for you - they have lots of tools and manpower! I would probably cut it off too. Heck, when I remodeled my house in Dover I found vintage Arts & Crafts wallpaper on the kitchen plaster undneath something - I don't remember now. But as I was gutting the plaster walls I kept a piece of the plaster with the wallpaper on it. I still have it and it is displayed in my glass top coffee table.

  5. I love stuff like that too! My kids will have lots of things to throw away when I am gone. I'm off to do some cutting too.

  6. Hooray for made in the USA (and in Pennsylvania too)! They just don't make 'em like that anymore!

    We love that kind of stuff too, especially when it relates to heating...our sheet metal/HVAC business is what keeps me in fabric!

  7. LOL - I love your line of thinking. I, too, think it is a great plaque.

  8. I envy you your new boiler. And I envy that you get to quilt every day while I'm stuck in one airport or another. You are so lucky Wanda!

  9. You may hear me laughing all the way out here in San Diego at your comment about "one more thing" for your kids to throw out someday. Oh...and thanks to you, I finally bought a Go cutter and now when I should be doing other things, I sit around cutting pieces of fabric to store in nice little boxes...LOL

  10. When I go on a (rare) cleaning rampage, I've been looking at everything from a "Will my kids care about this?" viewpoint. It's so sad when I think about the things that matter to me, like anything connected to the history of our home or our family, but it's a toss-up whether they'll care.
    You've gotten good, varied advice on removing that plaque. I'd be saving it too.

  11. I would want to save the plaque also. It is your house's history, and your history as well.


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