
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Crooked Cobblestones 9

Crooked Cobblestones 9 finished at 22.5" x 23.75".  The binding is mostly green with a little brown.  I usually try to go more neutral in the binding so it doesn't emphasize just one color in the piece but I liked the way this one looks.
The binding has to look nice with the backing fabric too.
I have #5 and 6 to finish too.  This one is #6 and I'm contemplating putting a border on it.
Here is a close up of the border fabric.  It is mostly dark green with gold, orange and red.


  1. Beautiful, as always. Do you quilt by stitching in the ditch?

  2. They all look great. The border is really striking. Hopefully you get some quality time today to get more done. Chris

  3. I really like your choice of border fabric.

  4. The binding looks great and that border fabric is perfect! You are moving right along on getting these pieces for the show done.

  5. I really like #9. When I first glanced at it, it reminded me of doorways and windows ----stacked closely like in photos I have seen of Greek and European hillsides!
    Love the concentration of light in it too...just perfect.

  6. They look awesome, Wanda! You are an artist. I so enjoy watching you work through your fabric collection making border, backing and binding choices on your blog.

  7. I love #9. and I like them without the border. they say "yes. this is me, just as I am. no additional embellishment required." -- christine

  8. I love to see the finished quilts. Gives them such a 'regal' look. And I like to see an additional border if the quilt calls for it and YOU always can see whether it needs it or not.


  9. I love the cobblestones. All of them. They make me go "oooo aaaah come here" :)

  10. christijowinter933@yahoo.comMarch 6, 2012 at 4:14 PM

    I really like the binding you picked for #9. It makes a great frame, and it looks FABULOUS with the backing fabric!

  11. Beatiful work, you really are an inspiration to me. I love everything you do.

  12. You really have a way with "letting the light in" your quilts. I just love it and will have to think about it when I'm making something like the cobblestones. :-)

  13. What a fabulous focal point that quilt would be hanging on a wall. It just invites you in, wanting to gaze at the gorgeous colour!
    I love your choice for that border fabric.

  14. Number 9 looks great, and I'm liking the looks of that border fabric you've got under Number 6. You are really moving right along!

  15. Love #9, including the backing and border. I just love the splashes of light... my eye keeps going toward the blue square surrounded by yellows... as if I were looking out a window into some other world.

    Your work is just beautiful


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