
Sunday, January 8, 2012


I finished the binding yesterday morning before we went out for lunch.  My company loves to eat out at all of the local restaurants when they come back to visit, and since I don't like to cook this works out great.  I thought about naming this one Happy Rings but I'm not sure.  I know its official pattern name is Target Log Cabin but I wanted to give it another name and I'm not good at making up the names.

My granddaughter's wedding was last night and I lasted until 11 p.m at the reception with the extremely loud music.  You can't tell me they need it that loud for dancing.  But I'm just an old fogey.......


  1. Congratulations on your granddaughter's wedding, Wanda! No, you're not an old fogey. The music really is way too loud these days at these events.

    How about something like "Bulls Eye"?

  2. Those squares positively dance they're so colourful ! - - - - - Square dance perhaps ?
    As for music - it's totally beyond me why they care to risk their precious hearing ! You're not an old fogey if I'm not - and I'm sure that I couldn't be !!!!?????!!!!

  3. I love this one. It's one of my favorites! As for weddings and parties, I never understand why anyone want the music so loud that no one can socialize. What's the point of getting people together if they can't talk to each other?

  4. My husband and I always take earplugs to weddings and b'nai mitzvah, with extras to share! We are always popular with the others at our table, lol.

    How about "Bingo!"

  5. Is this heaven? I spent a long time this morning just wandering around here is your blog heaven. Lovely and fantastic.

  6. I, too, have trouble thinking of names - I am very prosaic! I give quilts names like "Scrappy Strings" and "Wonky Strings" then "Scrappy Strings II". If I made a quilt for you I would call it Wanda's Quilt - not very inventive, am I?

  7. This quilt reminds me of an OLD television show called Time Tunnel. Perhaps a variation on that name would work.

  8. I love the quilt and am so impressed that you were able to work on something with all that company in your house. Having some handwork projects waiting in the wings can be a good thing.

  9. I also love this quilt! And like you, I am so bad at naming my quilts. I think it is very difficult to come up with names. Hopefully, your ears aren't ringing from the loud music and despite that, I hope you had a great time!

  10. I love the quilt and your enjoyment of color in it! As soon as I read your post about your granddaughter's wedding (Congratulations!) the quilt reminded me of stereo speakers (Tweeters and Woofers) and sound coming from them. Perhaps a good name would be "Sis Boom Bah"!

  11. it is hard coming up with names for quilts. I agree about the loud music - I don't like excessive sound of music, movies, tv - I like to be able to hear people talk

  12. Aw, come on Grandma, if your ears aren't ringing and you can still talk to the person next to you - it's not loud enough! ;)

    I like the idea of "Sis Boom Bah".

  13. My personal belief is that they deliberately play the music that loud to drive us away!

  14. Their ears are already shot from the earbuds that are constantly implanted. It has to be loud or they can't hear it. How's that for an old fogey!?!

    Happy rings reminds me of wedding rings so I like it...

  15. Love the quilt. I'm not very good at coming up with names for quilts either. Are these mainly Kaffe Fassett fabrics? It's beautiful. You seem to finish a lot of quilts in a year. Do you keep all of them? I have a small house, and I'm not always sure what to do with all of mine. I do give many of them away, but of course there are always some that I want to keep!
    I remember my parents complaining about loud music, and now it's my turn. Maybe if it was music we actually liked, we wouldn't complain.

  16. Well, the quilt certainly isn't old fogey!

  17. Congrats on the finish -- several excellent name suggestions so far!!

    Music was too loud - and I wasn't even there. I agree with Vicki - what is the point of gathering and not being able to talk without screaming!

  18. Another beautiful finish!

    The music at all of the weddings I have been to have been soooo loud. Guess we are showing our age. ;~)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. How about Target Squares for the name of your wonderful (or is it Wandaful) quilt? I'm with you on the music especially for Sunday morning worship music in church. It is often more like a drum solo performance, you can't even hear the voices of the people singing.

  21. Reaaly nice quilt, My first thought was Square Dance as a title.

  22. Wow! My first thought was ringing in the new's my new wanda favorite -- for now. Jan

  23. I love, love, LOVE this quilt! The only things I could think of for names were "Squared Away" (like on a ship) or else the old chestnut "Be There or Be Square!"

    From one old fogey to another (ha ha), I completely agree about the music about receptions, etc... It's so loud you can't even talk with the other people at the table.

    Enjoy the rest of your time with your company and the eating out! Sounds great to me!

  24. Beautiful quilt, Wanda. Love the colors and fabrics you chose. I think "life" is loud these days....everywhere we go we are bombarded with noise. At least it was a happy event!!

  25. Hi Wanda,
    Glad you survived the ear blasting music.

    Your quilt looks like an English formal garden with paths and neatly trimmed hedgerows. So a couple of names to fit that could be Garden Plots or Garden View.

    Vicky F

  26. I love the suggestion of Woofers and Tweeters, or Sis-Boom-bah. I was thinking Ripple in water on a pond, but who want's ripples on their quilt?!
    I'm with everyone else in not liking loud music; never have, even when I was young. I'm so sensitive to noise, loud actually hurts. I've often wondered if loud was a cover-up for lack of musical talent. I totally don't understand why bands think loud is good.

  27. Tremendous. Happy Abstracts... No other idea about a name for this pattern. Congratulations to your latest work!

  28. I totally agree about the music.

    I don't mean to sound presumptuous here, but a name came to mind for your quilt: Focal Point.

    Love seeing all your quilts!

  29. I swear that all our children and grandchildren will be wearing hearing-aides when they get older. My son has surround sound in his media room and the whole house shakes when he has a movie on. When you said "Happy Rings" I thought about that old commercial about ""Ring around the collar". LOL Remember that one?

  30. Beautiful quilt! Reminds me of the old TV Test Pattern.

  31. Good morning
    I think they have loud music because they spend too much time in the techno world and have lost the art of communicating.
    Your quilt makes mw think of busy streets and apartment blocks - how about Metro Maze?

  32. I can't believe you were able to get the binding on your 'DAZZLING quilt' with company in the house.

    It finished up just as grand as all of your creations. I love this one too ! It is on my favorite list.


    p.s. we are not 'old fogies' when it comes to LOUD music. I never liked it in my younger day either.

  33. I have hearing loss from too many years spent listening to loud Doobie Brothers and Creedence Clearwater, so now I travel with cute little pink earplugs in my purse to protect what I have left of my hearing! And you don't want naming suggestions for quilts from me - my last one was Philip Jacobs and K Fassett material - very wild - and I called it "Holy Cr*p That's Bright!"

  34. I have a hard time with names also but the first thing that came into my mind when I saw that quilt was Hip to Be Square. I love this quilt by the way. I think it is my favorite and will have to put it on my list to make. Thanks for all the inspiration.

  35. Love your quilt. Beautiful :D
    The first thought I had when I saw the picture of your completed quilt was Square Bulls Eyes.

  36. How about 'Happy Camper' It uses part of your idea combined with campers who might use log cabins.

  37. OI love that quilt and I can't think of a name but I do like some of the suggestions.
    I like the one who said Sis Boom Bah only I think Tweeters and Woofers would suit too. There are lots of good ones there.
    I would be lucky to last until 11 PM! My sons wedding is in September so I'll get a chance to try.

  38. I like the name Sharon M said " Hip to be Square '. Very fitting.

  39. Your quilt is WANDAFUL! What about "Crescendo", it starts out small and gets bigger (louder)? I like the Hip To Be Square title, too, and Ripples (like in a pond). Whatever you name the quilt, it will still be fabulous!

  40. I don't think they need it so loud, but then I remember my mom asking me the same question.... does it have to be so loud?

    Great quilt... 'B2'd' (be squared)

  41. Congratulations on your granddaughters marriage. Family is so special.
    Love the pic with you and Zach.
    I will be teaching in September in Ashville, will the show still be up then?

  42. What a beautiful quilt!!! No ideas on names, but it absolutely is gorgeous! In a way it makes me think of Town Squares with roads leading up to them.


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