
Saturday, January 7, 2012

A little repair........

Yesterday morning about 3 hours before company was supposed to arrive I noticed a puddle on the bathroom floor.  The 59 year chrome drain pipe had rotted through and was flakes of metal.  Luckily my plumber was available and got here at 10:30 and by 11a.m. I had a new plastic drain pipe.  I can order a new chrome one if I want later, but I needed it fixed right now!  Since then all has gone smooth, company is here, a family gathering last night.  I learned how to inflate an air mattress........


  1. You learn something new every day!

    Happy New Year.

  2. Never rains but what it pours. We had furnace issues and got that fixed. Hope you enjoy your company. Chris

  3. Don't you just hate that when something goes wrong sooooo close to company? But it sounds as if you had a great plumber and so glad all is well.

  4. so glad you were able to get it fixed right away! air mattresses do come in handy - have fun with your company.

  5. Wow...your repairs bills have been piling up in the past few months. Enough! Have fun with your company!

  6. Because we lived in an area where the water was slightly acidic, we had the same thing happen to our sink drain pipe. If you can live with the mismatch of chrome and PVC I recommend you not replace the PVC--it will last longer than the chrome. So glad your plumber was able to get the problem fixed quickly so you can enjoy your company!

  7. Oh gosh. Glad the plumber was able to repair it so quickly. Enjoy the company.

  8. Isn't that always the way of something going wrong right before company arriving? Thankfully the plumber was available. Sounds like you are going to have a busy weekend. Enjoy your company.

  9. OMG... you are so fortunate to have a plumber that will come on a minutes notice !

    Enjoy your company this weekend.


  10. This is spooky! My landlord is here fixing the exact same thing on my 40-some year old bathroom sink! Right this minute! My worker noticed the water on the floor the other day.

    Carlos is hoping he can adapt the chrome to the PVC. He showed the the old pipe - it was flaked away.....*L* Do you spose we'll flake away too pretty soon?

  11. I think it must be part of Murphy's Law that if the plumbing is going to go wrong it will do so just before guests are due to arrive. It did here anyway.

  12. Bless your heart, that wasn't the best timing. Glad you were able to get it repaired quickly though. And yay for learning something new!

  13. What a great plumber you have. Looks nice too.
    I am an expert at blowing up mattresses now that we are in a 2 bedroom house. Well really 3 but one is my studio. :)

  14. The new white plastic pipe looks just fine.
    You have had a rash of home repairs lately. That's enough to give you a migraine. Wanda.
    Air mattresses are life savers when you need some extra beds for company.


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