
Monday, January 9, 2012

You have all been waiting.......

to see what I look like.  Here I am with my grandson Zach who was visiting over the weekend with my daughter.  We had a great time and they left this morning. Zack is a filmaker who made the video of my daughter's mosaic gallery opening in Charlotte, NC which I posted previously.  In case you missed the video it is at my website,  Upcoming news: my quilt show in June in Charlotte, NC.  More details later.  If you would like to meet me I'll be attending the show for the first week with a possibility of teaching a class.


  1. Wanda, it is about time we see what you look like. By the way, you look great as does Zach- he has a lovely smile.
    I guess I missed the video the first time around. It is interesting that your daughter does mosaics. Apparently making larger works from pieces of "stuff" runs in the family. (((grin)))

  2. YAY!I live in Winston=Salem, am a LONG-TIME follower and would love to see your work in person as well as meet you! Can't wait for the details!

  3. What a fabulous picture of the both of you!! So nice to meet you face to face! That will be fantastic having a showing of your quilts. If I am in the area then, I will be sure to see it. No plans for the summer yet!

  4. what a sweet looking young man - that is a keeper photo, Grandmother ! Just perfect of the 2 of you.

    You're going to be in Charlotte ?! whoopee ! I live right below it in Columbia and zoop up to buy my groceries at Trader Joe's every few weeks.

    Please, ~~please~~ post here early if you indeed decide to teach a class, Wanda so that we might have the chance to sign up - I would give ->anything<- to learn from you. That would just be one terrific experience. One way or the other, I will see you while you are at the show.

  5. You look just like I thought you would! Such a beautiful smile and lively eyes. And your grandson is handsome and so sweet to have his arm around you. Awwww reminds me of my sweet grandsons.

  6. Lovely photo of you both. so nice to met you Wanda. Zach looks very like you. What great smiles you both have.

  7. It is fun to see what a blogger looks like. Your grandson looks very young to already be a film maker.
    And you look pretty young too!

  8. A very nice photo. It always helps to put a face to a name.

  9. What a terrific photo! I totally agree with Gene's comment....thought the same thing about your daughter and mosaics as compared to quilting! LOL

  10. The two of you look so happy. I'm really looking forward to hearing more about your big news!

  11. It's about time we saw what you look like! And it's no disappointment. The two of you look great. Such wonderful smiles.

  12. How nice to see a photo! It's always good to put a face to the name. Obviously, artistic talent runs in your family.

  13. finally a face to put to the name! nice to meet you Wanda. Good looking grandson!

  14. Thanks for sharing the photo. I always like being able to put a face with a name. I can definitely see the family resemblence :)

  15. How nice to put a face to the quilter. Handsome grand son too.
    Have A great day.

  16. What a sweet photo. Thanks for sharing it. You still resemble the cute little girl in your profile photo. :)

  17. great photo. congrats on the show-look forward to hearing more about it.

  18. At last! Great photo of you with your grandson!!

  19. You look every bit as nice as you are, and your grandson has such a great smile. Glad to now attach a face to your name. We will be in Charlotte in 10 days or so and have the address of your daughter's gallery so plan on dropping in.

  20. What a wonderful photo and it is so nice to finally "see" you! Congrats on your upcoming show!

  21. It's so nice to have a face with a name! I can see that the talent gene got spread around in the family. ;)

  22. Oooh, Charlotte. That's only a day of driving for me. I may have to come meet you!

  23. Thanks for the photo of you 'n Zach. I figured they were your company with the wedding and all. He is so handsome... and of course I can see he resembles his mom. You look great and not a day older than the last time I saw you.

    I have heard of the restoration of the Diner and am looking forward to going there when we come back next time. Love the lead glass windows and can see they did a grand job in detail. I think my sister told me it was now called the Bull Moose because Roosevelt did some campaigning from that train.

    Your daughters work in her gallery is as amazing as her MOM'S creations in fabric ! Now what can I do to lure you to the mountains. (*._,*) for a show ?


  24. For a minute I thot you'd run a pic of some movie star this morning! Now I see that you're NOT flaking away at ALL!

    What a lovely pic that is; cute as cute can be grandson too.

    Talent and good looks - some lucky guy should snap you up.

  25. Oh, Wanda - how wonderful to have a smiling face to go with all the images in my mind!

    I checked out your daughter's gallery and your grandson's video ... art truly runs in the veins of your family!

    Oh, how I wish I could be in NC in June . . .

  26. Hello, Wanda. A face to put with all the words now. Nice picture. Sounds you are going to have lots of takers on a class in NC. Pure joy!

  27. It's nice to finally "meet" you Miss Wanda!!! :o) You are as cute as can be and you and your GS share the same beautiful smile! Amie in Tn.

  28. What a great picture!! I call this "Pure Joy"

  29. Great photo Wanda and a great looking grandson. How much fun is it to have family gatherings, especially for a wedding.

  30. Nice photo! You look different than how I had imagined. I live in Greenville, SC, which is about 2 hours away. I would love to take a class with you!

  31. Hi Wanda, you haven't changed a bit! still as exuberant as ever! :)

  32. Wanda, you look every bit as sweet as I thought you would, and what a very handsome grandson! That place you're sitting in looks very pretty, too. Glad to "see" you at last.

  33. How wonderful to have a face to put to the name and all the beautiful creations! That is a fabulous photo -- you and your grandson both look so happy!

  34. Hi Wanda,
    Great photo of you and your grandson!

    Future project: Maybe you could do a virtual quilt show (once the real quilt show is over) for those of us who live elsewhere. I don't mind seeing quilts I've seen before, especially yours!

    Take care.
    Vicky F

  35. Great photo of both of you. Looks like you at a fun filled weekend. Creativity runs in your family. Wish I was more local and could get to NC to see your show and take your class.

  36. Thanks for posting your picture. You have a handsome grandson. His grandma is pretty good looking, too.

  37. You look exactly the same as a photo I see in the AQS's "LOG CABIN--New Quilts from old Favorites" from a few years back. Thanks for the blog; I really enjoy it.

  38. You have a new banner, and thanks for sharing a photo of yourself! You look just as I imagined, but I didn't think of glasses for some reason :o)

    Congratulations on your upcoming show, I hope it goes well!

  39. What a sweet photo...and you looked just like I imagined! Thanks for posting! have lots of things to look forward to!

  40. I so enjoy being able to match a face with the words and the projects and the inspiration. I knew you'd have a wonderful smile.
    Good looking folks in that photo, Wanda. Thanks for sharing with us.

  41. Gee, I had difficulty figuring out which one was you. Lookin good, girl.

  42. That picture is a keeper! Zach has a very nice website. Good looking and talented!
    Keep us posted about your quilt show in Charlotte :D

  43. And the talent goes on and on from one generation to another. It is great meeting you for the first time in picture form. You look just like I imagined you would look. What a great good looking grandson you have and a beautiful smile that he has inheirited from his grandmother. Maybe one day you and I will meet in person.

  44. OMG is Pam your daughter? I do mosaics, too. I'm not at all on the Ciel level, but of course I know of the gallery. I am hoping to get to SAMA next month, but it's still in the works.

    Thanks for taking the time to do the blog. I stop in every other day or so, and I love your use of color. If I was closer I would come to your class for sure. :)


  45. My goodness, I do believe we're related! Not only do you have the same color passion I have, but we even resemble each other (I think)! Would be fun to meet in person some day :-) I'll have to get a photo of myself posted, too!

  46. It is so nice to know what you look like! Somehow, knowing that you dad is 99, I thought you'd look "older." But you look like a cute young chick, ready to make a lot more quilts!

  47. My grandson is called Zach too - but he's only 7 months old!

  48. You look gorgeous and your grandson looks thrilled to be with you. Can't ask for more than that.

  49. Well Hoorah! I tried to picture you from your childhood photo and I have to say you are as lovely as I thought.
    I would love to be able to meet you in NC and see your show! That is fabulous news.

  50. I got chills reading all the nice thing s people said about seeing in person. Way to go


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