
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Trying layouts

Last night I finally got around to making the rest of the blocks for the stack and slash pattern.  My first layout was with every block in exactly the same position with all of the seams from block to block matching.
For the next layout I flipped every other block 1/2 turn.  I wasn't happy with the distribution of the pink so I swapped a few more squares in different places for layout 3.
The top is all sewn together now and staystitched around the perimeter so ends of seams won't pop before I get around to quilting it.  It ended up 54" x 68" so it's a large lap quilt.

I woke up yesterday with a burning migraine.  After breakfast I took 3 Advil and about a half hour later, Dad's caregiver called and said Dad needed to go to the Dr. and that I should meet them there.  We waited in the exam room almost an hour because they were working us in between other appointments.  He was prescribed an antibiotic. After a trip to the pharmacy and then to the assisted living place to drop off the prescription I returned home, almost noon by then.  Today my van has to go to the dealer's to fix the heater (only blows out at face level, not at feet) and an oil change and to turn off the low tire light that comes on the first cold day that my car sits outside (every year).  It is something to do with the air pressure in the tires.  I hope tomorrow is a more productive day.


  1. I like the final lay out you have. The days can go that way and hopefully you will have a better day today. Chris

  2. the quilt went together fast.
    here's to productivity without headaches.

  3. Love the layout! Sorry to hear about your headache. It's like they say, "Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue". Hope your Dad is okay and that you have a better day today.

  4. Really like this quilt! Hope all is well with your dad (and your van!)

  5. Gorgeous quilt! I hope today is better for you.

  6. The quilt looks wonderful and I love the low contrast. What a hectic day and to do it all with a migraine! I hope you are feeling better today!

  7. The quilt is perfect, very pretty. I just know that today will be pretty too..yesterdays gone!!

  8. Batiks are my favorite, and I love the colors in this one. How cozy it will be to wrap up in this. I hope you have a better day today. We're having a snowstorm, so I shall be staying home baking and sewing. What could be better?

  9. I hope you are feeling a whole lot better tomorrow!

  10. I really like the third layout, this one went together quickly (as do all your quilts!). I'm sorry about your migraine, I hope your van gets fixed soon and that today goes much better for you.

  11. I love the way you set those blocks. I hope you have a quieter day today!

  12. Love this one, too. Both arrangements. Though I love all bright colors, these are some of my favorite colors.
    And I like this quilt pattern.
    Sorry about the headache. Hope Dad gets better soon.
    When it comes to vehicles, it seems like it's always something :D

  13. Love the blend of colors for this quilt. Hope you feel better today and have less stress. Hope your father feels better quickly.

  14. The quilt looks great. My heart goes out to you. I remember so well what I was going through last year this time with my mother. If not for quilting I would have gone over the edge. You never know when you wake up what will happen during the day.

  15. What a gorgeous top -- so rich and glowing!
    I hope today has been better and that the migraine is well and truly gone!

  16. What a love quilt, the colours are amazing together!

  17. That final layout is so pretty! I really like how this one looks all put together.


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