
Friday, December 9, 2011

Border options....

I started out with 2 borders options, pink narrow, blue wide.
Then I tried 3 because I didn't like the pink inner border next to that pink corner.
Or I could just back it with blue and bind it in pink and call it finished.  Or bind it in a darker blue.
I sat at the car dealer's for 2 hours yesterday and then the tech guy comes in and says they have to tear the dash apart to put in a replacement part for the switch for the blower.  He says another 2 hours. I was sure that with an 8:30 appointment I would be free by 11. I kept repeating 'another 2 hours' and he kept saying yes.  Amazingly in 45 min. my van was ready.  He put 2 guys on the job and they got it done quicker.  I guess if I was running the place that is what I would do all the time to keep people from waiting so long.  I left there and went to a party at the quilt shop, then met a friend halfway between our houses to deliver her serger that had been repaired, shopped at Target and came home.  No sewing........


  1. I really like the three border option. But I would probably bind it in dark blue and call it done.

  2. Hmmm... choices, choices. I am not sure which option I like best. But I am leaning towards #3. However, I would be curious to see it with 3 borders like in photo #2 a small darker one first then the pink and blue. So glad your car is fixed too. The waiting is the hardest part.

  3. The colors are a feast for the eyes!

  4. I would also opt for the 3 border option...I always manage to choose the most complicated!

  5. I'm mulling over border options, myself, so the timing of this post is fortuitous. I't helps to get some insight into how you think about this.

    Do you ever do pieced borders? And if so, how do you audition ideas for them without investing too much time or fabric in ideas that don't work out when you actually see them?

  6. You did not ask us for a vote.... BUT I really like the 3 fabrics for your border on your Stack and Slash. It is gorgeous and I think it needs a border as exciting as the main piece.

    I missed your blog for a couple days... and really love this piece.


    Glad your car has been repaired... and hope your Dad stays on the mend.

  7. I vote option 2!!!! Glad the car repair went quicker than expected.

  8. Hi Wanda,
    Chances are you have already decided and have the thing sewn, but I like the 3 border option, too (mainly because I like to see things framed).

    That pattern turned out so cute with those fabrics!
    We have a bit of snow today (about 1.5 inches); you, too?
    Keep warm!
    Vicky F

  9. you will pick out a great way to finish your quilt like you usually do :) that was good to get your car finished fast - sometimes it does seem like we wait forever when getting car repairs don't we.

  10. I know you will pick the borders that are the best - for you and for the quilt. I am going to love it no matter what. I always love your quilts! Glad you got your car fixed. I hate having to wait for things like that.

  11. All three options are lovely :D
    I like borders so I'd probably do at least one, two or three borders.
    BUT this quilt is so pretty, it can stand alone with just the delicious pink binding and lovely blue backing.

  12. You will figure it all out I am sure. It is wonderful and rich looking. I love this one.

    Glad you got the van fixed and hope your Dad is feeling better.

  13. I live the three border option.

  14. I may be coming in late but I really like the three border option. In fact, now that I think about it, I tend to like three borders most of the time.

  15. Yes, I do think the three borders look good. But so do the other options, so I guess it will depend on what you feel like doing, won't it! It is a beautiful quilt, for sure.

  16. I really like the 3-fabric border idea.
    That is going to be gorgeous. I love it!


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