
Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Yesterday was our monthly QOV sew in and 4 pairs of us were working on this pattern.  There will be 20 blocks in a quilt so we are half way there on this one.

Another pair of ladies was working on this set of colors.  I forgot my camera so I didn't get photos of the other 2.  They took theirs home to work on and will bring them back next month and finish them.  Go here to our chapter blog and see what other quilts were worked on.
Last Thursday when my 2 friends came over for help with their project, I cut 9 sets of blue squares for kits.  I ran out of light and red so I brought home some pieces to finish these 5 kits for next time.
Since we meet at a quilt shop I had to buy a couple new fabrics to put in the diamond quilt (and also filled my punch card so I'll have free fabric next month!).  They are Philip Jacobs prints.
Here is the group I will cut diamonds out of today.


  1. Great QOV quilt! And you know how much I love Philip Jacobs! Fabulous!

  2. I love your new Phillip Jacobs fabrics. Sounds like you had a good quilty day yesterday.

  3. Oh, please send me a copy of the layout of the blocks you were doing. I'd like to post them to the blog.

  4. The QOV blocks look great. Love that wonderful Philip Jacobs fabric. Hope Kaffe doesn't hear me say this, but I think I like PJ fabrics the best!

  5. Ooooh, yummy fabric! I like them all. I have some of the seashells and I think I see my very favorite, Floral Burst, peeking out?

    Also, I really like that QOV pattern. I wish I'd had it when I made the red, white and blue one for my husband's friend who retired last month. It would have been a lot easier!

  6. Love the new fabrics especially for your diamonds.


  7. Great QOV pattern. Hope your dad is doing well.

  8. Love the great whirlygigs...but I thought HEY, were's the triangles! HA!

  9. Beautiful new fabrics to add to your stash! The one on the bottom that looks like huge mums is gorgeous. Can't wait to see the new diamonds added to the group.

  10. Wonderful tessellations! I am always so touched by those who make QOV quilts. Well done!

    Daisy, from Lazy Daisy Quilts Podcast

  11. Those fabrics are gorgeous. I would love a post on what is in your stash, and how you decide what to add to it. You always pull such marvelous things from it.

    Lois K

  12. I really like those "pinwheel" blocks.

    Lovely new fabric.

  13. Just back from a visit to your group's QOV website. Wonderful quilts. You're doing great work.

    Your two new fabrics are gorgeous. I find that I look right past so many pretty fabrics until someone else buys them. Then I see them with wide open eyes. These two are definitely stashable.


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