
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

And then there is the math.....

I have the layout the same width as the photo in the book (click on link and then scroll down)
but Kaffe's diamonds are a little larger than mine so I may need to go one diamond wider.  Right now this would only be 46.5" wide.  If I add one row in width it will be 54.25". It takes half diamonds to fill in all around the edges but I should be able to just border them on 2 sides before I slice them 1/4" away from the center line.  I need to add one row of light bordered diamonds on the bottom to have it 66.25" long.  If I add an additional row it will be 79.5".  The next decision, should it be a wallhanging instead of a couch throw quilt? 

I see that I have 2 with the same fabric as centers in the third row down so I need to change that.

I could really go crazy and make it a twin bed size too, but is it that much fun to do?  Or am I ready to move on?  Stay tuned...


  1. I say use it as a lap quilt. Very versatile and you will smile every time you use it! It looks fantastic!

  2. It looks great, Wanda! I would make some of those half diamonds for the edges. Then wait until it speaks to me about its size.

  3. I say go twin sized. This quilt is going to be stunning and I always go by the matra bigger is better!

  4. My vote is for no smaller than a throw, but I really think it should be for YOUR bed. You know you love it enough to use all the time!

  5. Just out and out beautiful... don't you just love the math of quilting?


  6. I vote for making it larger, with half diamonds around the edes. It's really beautiful Wanda! I have mine up on the design wall with the strips pinned to them. I'll email you a pic. I realy need some yellow Negley and I have none. Gonna shop online today and see what I can find. Thank you for my moring inspiration girl! I need it haha. Amie in Tn.

  7. I say go for it, make it bigger! It's very lovely.

  8. This is why I don't quilt. All that math would burst the nerves in my brain!!!! I love your color choices as usual.

  9. Yes..decisions, decisions, decisions....seems there soooo many! I think that is what gets me bogged down sometimes...the possibilities are e-n-d-l-e-s-s!!!!

    This is lookin' sooooo good!!!

  10. Whatever size you make it, it's going to be stunning. I can imagine it thrown over a chair or couch.

  11. You bet I will stay tuned... I love this diamond piece, the fabrics are so "exuberant" as always.


  12. It's beautiful. The colors are amazing. I'm making another Kaffe Fasset pattern also with diamonds. The diamonds should go together in hexagons though but I really like this arrangement better... so I might change my mind.

  13. Oh, they are all so pretty! Those fabrics are just scruptious. And you deserve a little fun after all that work, so go for it!

  14. It is going to be so pretty. When I made mine I had doubles of some of the centers, and I kept checking and checking to make sure none were by each other. Then after I had it finished and was quilting it, I realized I had 2 the same right next to each other. Not sure how that happened! They did have different frames, so that helped.


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