
Monday, September 5, 2011

It's over.....

The shower is over, the weather was gorgeous, windows open.  Now I can get back to my quilting.


  1. 52*F here this morning. Have fun quilting. Chris

  2. Ahhhh, glad that's over with. Now you can play!

  3. I'm glad you've time to play now that the shower was over... looks like the honoree had lots of presents to open!

  4. Good!! I need some more inspiration girl haha! Amie in Tn. :o)

  5. Hi Wanda,
    Hope you had some "me" time as planned, and are enjoying the cooler weather! We're supposed to get in the 40's tonight.

    Love those diamonds and triangles so far...
    Vicky F

  6. I have fallen in love with this diamond quilt. Do you mention the dimensions in any of your past posts? Or where I might find the pattern? janice(at)

  7. You are my inspiration with all that you accomplish !

    I know the shower was as grand as all of your quilting projects. And those diamonds that you showed us on Sunday are just wonderful. I will look forward to seeing them altogether.

    Have fun at the Fair... Wish I was there too.


  8. A Fair will be fun. Looks like the Shower was great, & your projects are lovely- as ever.

  9. Finally some wonderful weather. I love the crisp mornings and sunshine. I hope the shower was a huge success. Enjoy your day tomorrow.

  10. Finally some wonderful weather. I love the crisp mornings and sunshine. I hope the shower was a huge success. Enjoy your day tomorrow.


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