
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lots of sewing.......

I spent the morning yesterday finishing the layout of the crosses quilt.  It will finish at 40" square and I think I will put 2 borders on it.  I was going to start sewing it but decided to work on the other 2 projects instead.
I finished making all of the edge pieces and sewed 2 more rows and sewed them onto the 4 row section on the upper left.  I was thinking that I should try a border. On the right is just the strip of the dark sashing fabric and on the left the 2 fabrics used in the setting triangles.  The only problem is that I don't think I have quite enough of the orange dancing leaves fabric.
While looking through all of my fabric to be sure I didn't have any more, I found the same print in the purple with orange.  I didn't think I would consider anything except the same fabric as the setting triangles but I really don't think this looks too bad, in fact maybe good.  I'll look at it again later today when I get home from my busy day.
Last on the agenda while I watched the 10 o'clock news was the checkerboard quilt.  I made one more large square and 2 more small ones.  I also cut all of the rest of the red panel fabric into squares.  I will need 5 more large squares to finish this.  This morning I am going to help choose some fabric for the Quilts of Valor project at our chapter leader's house and then I am meeting my childhood friend and her husband for lunch.  I may get some sewing done today, maybe not.


  1. Quite a bit of progress.They all look good. Hopefully I can get some sewing done today. Chris

  2. WOW, I am loving the Diamonds quilt now. Your rearrangement of the two pink squares did wonders.

    I like the purple dancing leaves for a border.

  3. I tried sewing today (for the first time in three weeks). The block is called "Garden Fence" and has seventeen pieces. I couldn't sew a single straight seam so the whole block failed miserably! I almost decided to give up patchwork forever! But you inspire me to keep trying!

  4. I like the purple fabric as a border. It picks up the other purples in the quilt and as you said the pattern matches.

  5. so what are you going to do with a 40" quilt?

  6. All of the quilts look so good. The diamond quilt is looking so good. You go girl

  7. You did get lots done! I really love the diamond quilt with the orange border.

  8. Pretty !!
    I really like the cross quilt :) I think I want to try to make one too if you dont mind taking your idea?
    Have a nice relaxing day

  9. I am always amazed by what you get done in a day! Love watching your progress. The crosses quilt looks great!

  10. I quite like the purple/orange border on the diamonds -- frames it all quite nicely, I think.
    The crosses quilt is gorgeous -- so richly coloured!

  11. The purple looks great. Lovely cross quilt.
    I just finished my first batik quilt. Yes. Your blogspot encouraged me to try batiks. Thank you for the sewing machine needle size tip. The quilt would never have happened without knowing that my needle was my machine's problem :D

  12. Wow, you are one busy quilter! I love all your colors.


  13. You have shown us that these simple designs explode with 'Wandaful Exuberance' !


  14. I love your colour sense!

  15. You have really gotten a lot done! It's amazing how putting the diamonds together with the setting triangles and the dark sashing strips makes it look totally different - even more striking. The crosses are gorgeous, and you somehow manage to make even a checkerboard look exciting!

  16. I do love the orange border but I'm sure whatever you pick will be perfect. Your quilts are always amazing.

  17. I'm a little late here, Wanda, I've been traveling. I love how the diamonds are coming out! I like the direction you're taking of using the same fabrics as the edge diamonds, but I would like to see a border of the orange fabric before the dark fabric so the center would appear to be floating. Sure would be great if you could get more of that fabric!!

  18. I love how the diamond quilt is coming along.

  19. You are just a little worker bee! I am loving all three of these, I have a diamond and a checkerboard started, so I guess it's ok, to start a the crosses too then, I've always wanted to make one of those too. The weather sure is fall like here for sewing. :)


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