
Friday, September 23, 2011

6 rows...

I had a busy day yesterday but I was itching to sew some rows on the crosses quilt.  I started a load of laundry at 9 p.m. and my 27 year old dryer was having fits and it took over an hour and a half to dry the clothes.  I like to get them out right after it stops when they are wrinkle free so I sewed 2 rows more than I wanted to while waiting.


  1. My dryer is 12 years old and having the same issues. We are going to clean out the dryer vent this weekend. Hopefully yours is going to last longer. The crosses really are attractive. A few minutes stitching here and there gets you closer to a finish. Chris

  2. I've never been a huge fan of crosses quilts... but I really like yours a lot... in fact, it's very tempting... very very tempting... *lol*

    Hope your dryer holds out... my dryer is almost 38 yrs old...

  3. We had the same problem with our dryer. It is 33 yrs old and just needed a new heating unit. Now it drys the clothes much faster.

    Love your quilts.

  4. Guess I'm going to have to add the crosses quilt to my list of "want to do" projects. Bummer about your dryer. I hope it's fixable and gives you many more years of service.

  5. I have a new-er dryer with a sensor that "knows" when the clothes are done. EXCEPT that it thinks damp = dry. I'm constantly checking the loads.
    LUV your choss quilt-as I've said before, I so like your fabrics.

  6. I love patterns that interlock like this!

  7. It seems that every time you show a new quilt, I end up putting it on my 'to-do' list. I really love all the colors/patterns to your version of the quilt. Thanks for sharing.

    ps. my word is RARIN like I'm rarin to make another quilt

  8. This is a great quilt. You should do a tutorial.

  9. You definitely know how to put time to good use -- that quilt is coming together very fast and looks fabulous.

  10. Well, if you have to wait anyway, that is redeeming the time wisely. It is really looking pretty.

  11. Hi Wanda,
    Your pluses quilt is looking good. You would definitely need a design wall to keep track of the pieces as you sew, I would imagine.

    My old dryer took longer and longer to dry things and it was a combination of heating unit (gas) and the dryer vents needed attention.

    Vicky F

  12. Your latest quilt is great! I love Kaffe Fassett fabric. It is so wild and exciting.

  13. I like this quilt too that you are doing, I am just now back on line and need to get caught up on what you have been doing.

  14. Another wonderful quilt in the making. I had a nice surprise this evening. My daughter from Michigan knocked on my front door as a surprise visit. She will be here this week before my surgery. Boy I missed her as I don't see her often.

  15. I like it...a lot!
    Hey, I did the same Kohl's thing the other day, too. My BFF had the 30% off so we went together and used her coupon. Saved a ton of money and now we have the Kohl's cash to spend next week. Almost as much fun as making quilts.

  16. I can't imagine having to use a dryer to dry clothes - I line dry nearly all the time. My dryer is used only for really wet weather or on winter days when the clothes are still a little bit damp. Obviously I live in a climate where this is possible; so, my only waiting around is the hour or so between putting the clothes in the washing machine and taking them out to the line to be hung!


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