
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Little sewing, some shopping, visiting

I only sewed a few seams yesterday and didn't get them pressed yet.  I went shopping instead. I had a 30% off coupon for Kohl's and it ended today so I needed to go yesterday to be sure I didn't miss using it.
One of the things I got was placemats for the new kitchen table.  They are $7.99 food network brand on clearance for $1.59 and then take 30% off to end up at $1.21 each.
I needed a new bed pillow so this is the time to buy on sale and then discounted.  Besides that you earn Kohl's cash to spend later, free money.

After that I had a long visit with Dad and got to know one of his caregivers better.  He is doing well in his new surroundings.  It is much better than sleeping all day in his recliner like he did in the independent living apt.  There are other people around him and 2 little dogs.  He seems more alert and talkative.  I am taking his CD player over there Friday because he told them he would like to listen to music instead of TV sometimes.


  1. Glad to hear your Dad is doing better. Have a great week.

  2. I'm certain your Dad's re-newed interest relieves you mind.

    I must sit at my sewing machine more.
    Our weather is just beautiful these past few weeks.

  3. Amazing how they respond better to stimulus from others. The placemats were a good buy. You can sew today. Chris

  4. I'm glad to hear your dad is settling in well in his new home... I think it is better to be around people like he is.

    You did very well at Kohl's... love the new placemats!

  5. I love bargains.

    I am so glad to hear that your Dad is doing so well in the new place.

  6. We worry so much about our loved one. I must be such a relief to see him doing better and happier.

  7. Great to read how much better your dad is doing :-)

  8. So glad to hear that your Dad is doing better. As psychology major, I can attest to the fact that having people around us is a good thing. We are social beings. It has also been shown that happiness and a longer life are linked to pets in the environment.
    Love your new placemats. Also love a bargain!

  9. Good for you. I love those Kohl's sales.
    I'm glad to hear that your Dad is doing well in his new surroundings.

  10. christijowinter933@yahoo.comSeptember 21, 2011 at 9:59 AM

    You had a good day yesterday, even though there wasn't much sewing involved. It must ease your mind to see your Dad doing so well. And you got quite a bargain on those placemats! I bet they look great with your red walls. They sure seem to pop on the dark background of the new table.

  11. When my Dad was in assisted living we had "his" country western music playing 24 ~ 7. And during the day he was rarely in his room, but it was on.

    We don't have a Kohl's out here yet. I hear about those sales from my sister. You got a great deal on those place mats. Always more fun to go shopping when you get such a money saver.


  12. Our city gets its first Kohl store soon. Better news is that your dad is rallying in this new place. Praise God!

  13. Great bargain on the placemats, and what a wonderfully good report on your Dad! So glad he is happier. Makes all the difference in the world.

  14. Lovely placemats although I am surprised you didn't make some! LOL

    Glad your dad is happy; I couldn't live without music!

  15. Wow, what a deal on the placemats. I never seem to find deals when I am looking for something. The sales are always the following week or they were the week before. I am glad that your father has adjusted so well.


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